PMI-ACP Exam Questions 2024 - Practice Tests | Mock Tests

A practice tests designed to cover all the topics of the PMI ACP Exam which will help you pass the exam in first attempt

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If one of your goals is to earn the most respected and sought-after Agile certificate - the PMI ACP certificate - in Year 2024 or before the end of 2023 - then this course is for you!

Let's start with a few quick questions, shall we?

Have you heard about shoppers or prisoners in Agile? Or what is a “fishbowl window” and how can an Agile team use it?

Hmm...let's try a few more...

  • Will you form T-shaped or I-shaped skilled team for your next Agile project?

  • Do you apply 'INVEST' when writing the user stories with your Scrum team?

You may find questions in the PMI-ACP exam on some of the above terms which are lesser known, and using these practice tests, you will get an exposure to these and many other such less known but important Agile concepts and how to use those in a given scenario.

These PMI ACP practice tests are based on PMI ACP exam content outline, curated carefully to validate your understanding of the multiple and diverse topics which typically gets asked in the real PMI ACP exam.

Each of the 4 practice tests has 120 questions and is timed for 180 minutes.

And these are developed using the same percentage(%) as in the real PMI ACP exam and it is based on PMI ACP Exam content outline as below,

•Domain l: Agile Principles and Mindset - (16%)

•Domain ll: Value-Driven Delivery - (20%)

•Domain lll: Stakeholder Engagement - (17%)

•Domain lV: Team Performance - (16%)

•Domain V: Adaptive Planning - (12%)

•Domain Vl: Problem Detection and Resolution - (10%)

•Domain Vll: Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) - (9%)

The questions in the practice tests are based on most typical agile project scenarios which you will encounter in real world agile projects and ask to answer or respond to the situation as an agile practitioner/professional. You may find that multiple answers may be correct but you have to select the best option - for the given scenario.

While there is a lot of excellent training & video content available on Udemy and other sources online to learn the exam topics for PMI ACP Exam, you still need to make sure that you go through the practice tests to reinforce and ascertain you are fully prepared for the exam.

These practice exams will test your understanding of the PMI ACP content/syllabus and help you decide if you are "ready for the exam"

If You start passing these practice exams with a consistent score of 75% or above - it is a good indication that you will be able to pass the PMI ACP Exam too - as these practice tests cover all the aspects of the PMI ACP Exam with similar difficulty level.

The real PMI ACP exam has 120 questions & exam duration is 180 minutes.

For these practice exams too, I kept 120 questions in each practice test and timed for 180-minutes to give you a real-life, simulated environment to prepare for the real PMI ACP exam.

Come, join in & get ready to earn the coveted PMI ACP certificate --- All the best!!


Source of questions in these practice test: Questions in this mock tests are created entirely by myself taking into account my personal experience of preparing & writing the ACP  exam and assessing the difficulty level of the same. Also, the scenarios are developed by me from my project management experience.

I have used ONLY publicly available information regarding the new format of the ACP Exam (ECOs, Crossover Maps, PMI Articles etc.) to develop the questions. Neither the questions nor the scenarios are abridged/recreated from any textbook or online forum. These questions are NOT created from memory and hence DO NOT represent the actual ACP exam questions in any way. Use these questions only as a guide to help you in your preparation and not as a collection of previous ACP exam questions. Only PMI reserves the right to publish any ACP exam questions from past exams.

I am not a PMI R.E.P/ A.T.P.

PMI, PMP Certificate, PMI-PMP Badge, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP Badge, and PMI-PBA all are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

What You Will Learn!

  • Become a PMI ACP !! PMI ACP Practice exam questions are based on PMI ACP exam content outline, Agile practice guide & other PMI prescribed reference documents!
  • Answer and solve difficult and tricky scenario-based PMI ACP questions under time pressure, Take the Practice Exams again & again to develop strong understading
  • Validate your answers & do further readings with helpful reference links from official PMI ACP prescribed reference documentation such as Agile Practice guide
  • Help you become a PMI ACP Professional & land that dream job of yours! Learn the Agile concepts in-depth with comprehensive explanations included in each answer
  • The practice exam questions covers many aspects of PMI ACP exam such as Scrum, XP, Crystal, FDD, TDD & many more topics in the Agile project management
  • The practice exam questions will help you understand lesser-known topics such as fishbowl windows, story mapping techniques, bread comb, caves and commons etc.
  • Each practice exam question comes with explanation of correct answer along with reference to the official reference material as prescribed by PMI for PMI ACP
  • Study each exam question carefully to become fully familiar with agile topic for PMI ACP exam & you should be apply those concepts in real-life agile projects

Who Should Attend!

  • Scrum masters, product owners or Agile coaches, Project managers who qualify for the PMI-ACP examination
  • Project management professionals seeking more information about managing projects using Agile practices such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and many other agile practices and approaches
  • People Aspiring for to pass the PMI ACP exam