Positional Play - Football (Soccer) Play-Styles

Learn how to coach and play Positional Play effectively

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Positional Play - Football (Soccer) Play-Styles


Welcome to your course "Positional Play - Football (Soccer) Play-Styles". Whether you are a coach, a player, or even a football lover, this course is for you!

Positional Play is a trendy playstyle... Who says trendy, says so many misconceptions and probably a lot of confusion.

“What is Positional Play? How do we know if a team is playing positional? What to do against a team using Positional Play? How to disorganize the opposition?...” So many questions that we are going to answer!

In this course, you'll discover Why and How to get the best out of Positional Play.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to coach/play an effective Positional Play to win more games.

This course is composed of 3 sections:

  • In the first section, you are going to be introduced to the course, to know me (the instructor), and the roadmap of the course.

  • In the second section, you are going to know how to play/coach an effective Positional Play football.

  • In the third and last section, we are going to conclude the course.

Shortly talking, this course will be teaching you what to do and what not to do if you want to use Positional Play.

What You Will Learn!

  • Play effective Positional Play that wins games
  • Learn what to do and what not to do if they want to use Positional Play
  • Get rid of the main misconceptions about Positional Play
  • Learn Positional Play principles and concepts
  • How to defend against teams playing positional

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to gain a deeper understanding of football
  • Coaches who want to get the best results from Positional Play
  • Players who want to improve their performance while playing positional Play
  • Football fans who want to understand why and how Positional Play is played