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My course, "Positive parenting Techniques," and I am thankful to you for choosing this course. I have given many tips to help new parents, especially when you live independently.

What you will learn

· The importance of parenting is relaxation and patience that stops yelling at kids.

· You will learn about reading books for kids, turning them to become good readers.

· How to protect your kids from some dangers in the home itself? ·

· Support in their academic work.

· How to be a role model for them as children? Are they great imitators?

· Mom should have a hobby to relax.

· How will you bring up an optimistic child?

If you do not teach them valuable life lessons when they are young, it becomes impossible to teach them when they are older.

How will this help you as a mom?

Most new parents need more proper parenting knowledge and make mistakes that affect their child's future. If you want your child to grow up happy and intellectual, you read this course in full and use that knowledge to help your child.

The new parents had family support during those days, but the lifestyle has changed, so the parents should gain enough knowledge to raise the kids.

I have created this course to help new parents because many lack experience and knowledge, so when you read this course in full, you will become a better parent able to provide the services to your kids.

You will benefit from this course to motivate and correct yourself if you have any issues. You also can use this as a handbook to refer to when you want to inspire yourself when dealing with your kids on a day-to-day basis.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to be a happy & relaxed parent to make kids to be happy too? The importance of parenting is relaxation and patience that stops yelling at kids.
  • Must take your time to read it thoroughly to learn about dealing with kids in a healthier way so that they learn from you as the kids are imitators follow you
  • It helps you avoid mistakes when you bring up your kids and to help their development, failing to teach the right things at their young age might miss for ever.
  • You will learn ways to mange them, teach and give them emotional and educational support at young age to make them feel confident and grow up as happy kids
  • The parental responsibility is to help the child by giving emotional support and make them succeed in school ensure not to miss any of these when they are young

Who Should Attend!

  • Mothers, single mothers, nanny's, new mothers and the fathers too.
  • New mothers