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These times are really trying, this course helps you navigate this journey called LIFE with a better mindset and above all peace of mind, I drew knowledge from my little experience at life so far and hope this will be a little stone to the betterment of your daily lives.

The different challenges  I faced as a young woman moving to a new country, learning a new culture, speaking a new language and successfully starting a career and still having the purity of genuine bonds not withstanding the many offenses or hurts encountered,gave me this "superpower" through the mechanisms laid in this course to still stand tall within adversity.

Now being an Engineer and still facing daily challenges even in my adulthood the one thing positivity gifted me, is the will to show up and fight, but more so the drive to challenge my comfort zone and openness to new approaches to a problem and smile as this should be the last thing to loose. Above all being patient and humble and healing.

The best way to sum it all up, is this personal motto of mine, that  I have always lived by,"Be yourself don't play a role".

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain more confidence
  • Find Healing and cultivate inner peace
  • Humility
  • Stay and be positive and smile

Who Should Attend!

  • All humans trying to get better and stay grounded even within chaos that's life