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The breath techniques taught in this course are designed to balance the elemental energies in the body, transmute sexual energy, and aid in building powerful immunity in less than 20 minutes per day. It is known that when we reduce the number of breaths per minute down to 8 that we bring our pituitary gland, the 'Master Gland', into a state of harmony which in turn creates a cascade effect on all the other glands in the body. As we reduce the number of breaths per minute down to 4 the pineal gland begins to activate which enhances our access to inner light and our ability to dream and have visions. It has been said that we discover our true nature no through the inhale or exhale but in the space in between. By retaining the breath 'in' and 'out' not only are we reducing the number of breaths per minute but we are also bringing the parasympathetic nervous system into dominance which allows for our bodies to assimilate food better, reduces stress, and helps us center and become our true nature. No diet nor exercise regimen has such a powerful impact on our well being and access to altered states of reality.

This practice can also be used for sexual transmutation by those working with sexual energy consciously. Sexual energy is part of our overall life force energy and can act as a powerful tool for pressurizing energy upward through the body's subtle energy channels. In addition, a regular transmutation practice can aid those who are engaged in semen retention by reducing the sexual neediness.

In total, this is a program for anyone who is feeling scattered mentally or who's energy simply feels 'off'. Many of you reading this know how draining chronic worry or thought can be; so when we endeavor to utilize the essence of life, the breath, we alter our conditioned reality and open ourselves up for elevated states of awareness, peace and bliss which is our birthright.



What You Will Learn!

  • How to breath to balance the elements in the body.
  • Mudras/Hand Positions for each of the elements.
  • Proper sitting posture for aligning the spine.
  • How to de-stress the nervous system.
  • How to create space within for deeper breathing.

Who Should Attend!

  • Yogis, Tantrikas, Meditators, and those interested in wellness and spiritual practices