Professional Certification in BD and Sales

Sales go up and down, but service stays forever

Ratings: 4.87 / 5.00


Did you know?

46% of sales people didn’t intend to go into sales initially.

Henry Ford says "Nothing happens until someone sells something"

Business Development can be defined as the ideas, initiatives, and activities that help make a business better. It impacts every department within a company, including Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, Product Development, and Vendor Management. This course will help you Kick start your career in BD/Sales.

No matter how good your operation is, how cutting-edge your technology is, how tight your financial goals are or how progressive and forward-thinking your management techniques are, you must still have a great sales mechanism in place, or everything else is useless.

That is why in this course we have curated all the crucial elements of Business Development and sales for you to have the cutting edge in the industry

The course modules are broadly categorised in 3 parts, and they are as follows:

Sales Preparation techniques:

- Fundamentals of BD & Sales

- Prospecting

- Lead gen. process

BD/Sales Processes:

- Effective Sales Pitch

- Objection Handling & Effective techniques

Sales Closure & Loyal customer base:

- Mastering sales Process & Sales Closure

- Building Loyal Customers

The course also consist of quizzes post every video, and Assessments after each part and ample amount of resources for you to have an in-depth knowledge.

So, let’s get started with the course so that you can kick start your career!

What You Will Learn!

  • Fundamentals of Sales, methodologies and techniques
  • Learn key techniques of Prospecting, creating sales funnel, urgency creation and pitching
  • Craft impactful sales pitch and handle objection like a pro
  • Close the deal and build loyal customer base

Who Should Attend!

  • Aspirants looking to make a career in the field of Sales and Business Development
  • For freshers, entry level professionals and even pursuing students to get them Job ready