Professional Spoken Language Interpreting Basics Overview

Modes, Methods, and Professional Protocol for Interpreters and those Who Access Them in Person, by Phone or Remote Video

Ratings: 3.79 / 5.00


The FuzeV.R.I. series provides detailed information about basic spoken language interpreting protocol; including practical application of in person, telephonic and videoconferencing when an interpreter is needed (or video remote interpreting - VRI) in a home office or business office setting. For:

  • Teachers and school districts
  • Law enforcement and judiciaries
  • Hospitals, clinics and other healthcare
  • Dental workers, social workers, mental health
  • Business professionals who also use interpreters

This series is intended to educate aspiring and current spoken language interpreters and interpreter service users, to apply professional standards to in-person, over-the-telephone, and video-remote interpreting (VRI) when each are considered a best option. This series promotes professional conduct whenever an interpreter is needed, and focusses on HIPAA safeguards and Risk Management enhancements.

This series should solidify the interpreter's commitment to pursuing excellence in their role as an interpreter. Emphasizing the essentials of unbiased and transparent communication, testimonies punctuate a variety of interpreting expectations in healthcare, law enforcement and legal settings, social service organizations and business. It should be a valuable tool for continued education, as an online course, or a modular supplement to classroom education. (Please contact your local association as to whether this course can qualify as, or be used to supplement your continuing education.)

Risk Management teams who identify interpreters to assist individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) should find this series to be a handy tool for serving underserved populations. The series discusses and includes several codes of professional conduct for interpreters and for those who use them.

Fifteen Quiz sections are included as part of your learning experience.

What You Will Learn!

  • In this course, you will learn best practices for professional interpreting in a medical, business, and legal setting.
  • Course teaches effective set-up and protocol for telephonic and VRI from a home or business office.
  • By the end of the course, you will be able Set up a VRI platform and an appropriate telephonic interpreting platform.
  • Identify and implement professional interpreter standards.
  • Understand the essentials of HIPAA and protecting PHI in a medical setting.
  • Understand interpreter ethics in a legal setting.

Who Should Attend!

  • Medical, Legal and Business Professionals
  • Social Workers and Teachers with LEP Parents
  • Interpreters and aspiring interpreters who wish to interpret in medical, legal or business settings will benefit greatly from this course.
  • Law enforcement and healthcare (doctors, nurses, dentists and social workers, etc.) providers will also benefit from this knowledge base. This course may be used for continuing education and as a modular supplement to in-person interpreter training.
  • Risk Management Teams seeking to meet JCAHO compliance standards by providing meaningful Interpreter Services to underserved and/or LEP populations
  • Other Risk Management designees
  • Refugees, new to the United States and willing to interpret for those with limited or no English skills.