Speak with Impact : Voice Skills For Teachers
A comprehensive course to help you understand, protect and enrich your teaching voice
This course provides all teachers, lecturers and education assistants with a basic awareness of how the voice works, how to keep it healthy and how to use it to best effect in the teaching environment. Teachers have to use their voices day in and and day out and it is so easy for the professional voice to be taken for granted until there is a problem - this course helps prevent such problems. Many teachers will regularly suffer voice disorders through mis-use or just, quite simply, over-use! This course helps equip the teacher with the knowledge to keep their voice healthy, flexible and able to meet the demands of the profession.
All technical terms (relevant to a basic understanding of voice) are fully explained and general educational terminology is kept to a minimum and would be familiar to all classroom practitioners.
The course consists of video and audio lectures with visual illustrations and practical exercises.
Over two and three quarter hours of detailed material provide relevant insight into how to make the most of the teaching voice. Obviously, allowing for factual consolidation and exercise practice the course will take longer to complete and it can be left to the student to schedule and allocate their own time commitment.
The course (video and audio lectures) is structured logically, each giving examples and exercises that are easy to follow at home. It is possible to work through sequentially and then jump back to rework a section of the student's choice.
Teachers and lecturers can be considered to be professional voice users yet few have formal voice training. This course can fill that essential gap and help provide the basic understanding of the vocal mechanism, how to take care of it and use it well in a variety of educational situations.
What You Will Learn!
- To help the teacher to understand the workings of the voice, to keep it healthy and use it safely and effectively in a variety of professional situations.
- By the end of this course students will understand how to keep the voice healthy, how to avoide problems through misuse and have techniques to help use the voice in a vital and varied manner to meet the demands of the profession.
Who Should Attend!
- All practising teachers, lecturers and educational practitioners
- This course is also of benefit to summer camp leaders, play group leaders or anyone working with groups of students in an educational role.
- This course will also be of value to anyone about to enter the education profession and for teachers/lecturers in their probationary period.