Python Numpy Tutorial for Beginners

Have Thorough knowledge about the python Library Numpy

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In this course, you will learn about Python Numpy which is for beginners who want to enhance their career in Data Science.

Numpy is one of the most popular machine learning libraries in Python. NumPy stands for Numerical Python. Numpy is very interactive and easy to use. It has a huge collection of advanced mathematical and scientific computing package.  We can Make complex mathematical implementations very easily. It lets you create multidimensional matrices and arrays. Numpy is an alternative to MATLAB. NumPy is cross-platform, We often use it with packages like Matplotlib and SciPy.

Numpy is initialized in the form of arrays. We all know that we don't use arrays in python instead we use lists in python. However, Numpy arrays are faster than Python lists. Let's see how it differs from python lists. NumPy uses much less memory to store data than Python lists and these data are stored at one continuous place in memory. Python lists contain single or different data types within a single list. However, the NumPy array allows only a single datatype. The mathematical operations can be performed on arrays only if the arrays are homogenous.

By the end of the course, you will learn the following topics

Introduction to Numpy Arrays

Steps to Install Numpy Library

How to Create a Numpy Array?

Datatypes in Numpy Array

Indexing in Numpy Array

Slicing in in Numpy Array

Functions in Numpy Array

Broadcasting in Numpy Array

Numpy Array Manipulation

Iterating Numpy Array

Course Summary

What You Will Learn!

  • Numpy Array Introduction
  • Learn Numpy Installation
  • Indexing , Slicing, Broadcasting in Numpy Array
  • Numpy Array Practical Exercises

Who Should Attend!

  • Python Developers
  • Aspiring to become Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Beginners in python who are curious to learn Data Science