Python for Everyone - The Crown Course for Coding Mastery
Computer Programming using Python from beginner to advanced. A complete coding mastery bootcamp from zero to hero 2022.
Be the King/Queen in Python. Learn from Basics to Advanced. Learn the thinking process for programming and code with ease. This course helps you to be an exemplar in the programming Industry and have a great career flow with newly equipped python skills and improved logical thinking ability.
Python for everyone - The Crown Course for Coding Mastery
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1:
Introduction to Programming
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Lecture 2:
Introduction to Python
Section 2: Python Basics
Lecture 3:
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Lecture 4:
Hello World! - Python Printing
Lecture 5:
Formatted Printing in Python
Lecture 6:
More Formatting & More Printing
Lecture 7:
Lecture 8:
Multiple Variable Handling
Lecture 9:
Lecture 10:
Type Casting
Section 3: String Handling and DataTypes
Lecture 11:
Lecture 12:
String Slicing
Lecture 13:
String In-built Functions & Concatenation
Lecture 14:
Data Types - Lists & Tuples
Lecture 15:
Lists - Inbuilt functions & other operations
Lecture 16:
List and Tuple Functionalities
Lecture 17:
Lecture 18:
Section 4: Conditionals and Loops
Lecture 19:
Lecture 20:
Ternary and Conditional Operators
Lecture 21:
Lecture 22:
Nested Loops & Pattern Programs
Lecture 23:
Python Star Pattern Programs
Lecture 24:
Star Pyramid Pattern Program
Lecture 25:
Number Pyramid patterns
Lecture 26:
End of Pattern Programs (Rhombus/Parallelogram), Loops
Section 5: Functions
Lecture 27:
In-Built Functions
Lecture 28:
Functions and Parameters
Lecture 29:
Recursive Functions
Lecture 30:
Lambda Functions
Section 6: Classes, Objects, & Inheritance
Lecture 31:
Classes intro
Lecture 32:
Lecture 33:
Functions in Classes
Lecture 34:
Self Key Word - Classes
Lecture 35:
Python Classes Vehicle Class Example Program
Lecture 36:
Intro to Inheritance
Lecture 37:
Constructor and Super Inheritance
Lecture 38:
Hierarchical Inheritance in python
Lecture 39:
Multi-Level Inheritance
Lecture 40:
Multiple Inheritance
Lecture 41:
Hybrid Inheritance
Section 7: Packages - Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scipy, Modules
Lecture 42:
Intro to NumPy & Broadcasting
Lecture 43:
NumPy Arrays & Matrices
Lecture 44:
Matrix Properties
Lecture 45:
Pandas - DataFrames
Lecture 46:
Data Cleaning using Pandas
Lecture 47:
Matplotlib - Line Plot, Bar Plot, and Scatter Plot
Lecture 48:
Matplotlib - Histograms, and Pie Charts
Lecture 49:
SciPy Package
Lecture 50:
Lecture 51:
Modules & User Defined functions, packages
Lecture 52:
Classes in Modules
Section 8:Data Structures
Lecture 53:
Creation of a Linked List
Lecture 54:
Traversing a Linked List
Lecture 55:
Inserting at the beginning of the Linked List
Lecture 56:
Inserting at the end of the Linked List
Lecture 57:
Insert in between two nodes in a Linked List
Happy Learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What You Will Learn!
- You will learn Python from Beginner to advanced.
- You will learn to use python for computer programming and Application Development
- You will learn a method to come up with logics to solve any programming task.
- You will learn how python is used to develop all the modern applications
- Learn to use Python professionally, learning Python 3!
- Possess the skills and understanding of Python to confidently apply for Python programming jobs
- Learn Object-oriented Programming using python
- Get familiar with Data Structures using Python
Who Should Attend!
- Humans or Bots interested to learn programming using python.