Python Weekend Bootcamp

A great entry point into IT field for Beginners.

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


Most courses out there just teaches you the thing python in more than 30 hours of course. But this course is unique, in just about 5 hours and an estimation duration of 3 days you can comfortably start creating projects, design and code beautiful Graphical User Interface (GUI), create your own mini software easily. We will address all the though and important topics and will not shy away from them.

It was more than 6 months in the making of the course. There are hundreds of course on python on this platform. So to make this course unique I have spent almost 2 months just to read and understand all the negative feedbacks of those course. So this course shines out will all the goodness of all the top courses out there and with the errors rectified.

This course will be your entry point in to the world of Software Engineering.

Python is a very powerful language and it is widely used. After learning python you can easily start learning trends like Web Development, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.

And I promise that this course will make you comfortable with python, logic building. But what I do not promise is that you will not be a Master of Python in 3 days, if you stumble upon something like this, stay away. Because to master a skill it takes you time and practice and it for sure cannot be done by watching videos in very short span of time.

Udemy provides a 30 Days money back guarantee with this course, so you can focus on learning.

See you in the course.

What You Will Learn!

  • Fundamentals of Programming or Coding
  • Modern Python 3.9 Basic and Intermediate topics
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) with tkinter
  • Version Control with Github
  • Error Handling
  • Reading and Exploring documentation
  • Dice Simulator Project with GUI
  • Video Downloader Project with GUI
  • Developer Fundamentals and good practices
  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  • Developing a sense to approach a problem

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to learn Python 3
  • Anyone who wants to get started with coding and programming