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In this course you will learn how to perform a full body Swedish massage on a client.  You will learn basic history and definition of Swedish massage.  Then we will cover the principles and goals of giving a Swedish massage.  We will cover each stroke technique used in Swedish massage also provided will be comprehensive videos of the same material.  We will go over the Benefits of a Swedish massage on the client and how it effects the body.  We will also learn a brief overview of the anatomy and physiology of the body.  Very important material we will be learning is contraindications of Swedish massage, meaning what ailments or illnesses a client may have that may stop the client from receiving a Swedish massage.  You will know and understand at the end of this course when you may need to modify or cancel a massage.  You will be able to drape the client properly with the proper instructions of getting on and off the table.  You will also learn of how to run the session from beginning to end of the proper introduction to the proper techniques and strokes to then the proper closing.  You will also learn of how to set the space and have the room/table and ambience ready for the clients session.

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction to Swedish Massage
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Contraindications and Precautions
  • Techniques and Sequence
  • Client Assessment and Communication
  • Practical Application and Business Considerations

Who Should Attend!

  • It is the beginning basics and fundamentals for all those who want to work in the massage therapy field.