R 入门与基础操作

R basics in Chinese

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该课程主要介绍自由软件 R 的相关知识和基本操作。


This course is about the basic use of R, a popular free software for data handling, statistical purpose and more. The course focuses on common R objects, subsetting, reading and writing of data.

Each of the sections is not a standalone part, they are related, so I recommend you watch and learn one-by-one from the beginning section.

What You Will Learn!

  • Know what R is. 了解什么是 R。
  • Be able to download and install R on major operating systems. 能够在常用操作系统上下载和安装 R。
  • Be able to use common R functions. 会使用常用的 R 函数。
  • Be able to use R as a basic data handling tool. 会使用 R 进行基本的数据处理。
  • If you are interested, you may get to know many Chinese technical terms, this is very useful if you need to communicate with your Chinese counterpart.

Who Should Attend!

  • 打算使用 R 进行数据处理的初学者 Beginner R users for data handling
  • 喜欢扩展中文技术词汇的朋友 Anyone who wants to expand their Chinese tech vocabulary
  • 喜欢使用自由软件的朋友