Radio Ad Production Masterclass

The Complete Radio Ad Production Guide

Ratings: 3.68 / 5.00


If you are passionate about radio ad production, from voice over editing to mixing and mastering, then this course is for you.

"Radio Ad Production Masterclass" is a well-regarded course that practically teaches you in simple steps, how to produce professional radio commercials in simple steps.

In this course, you will learn:

- Introduction to Radio Ad/Commercial and its production.

- How to import and trim a voice over/audio file.

- How to reduce background noise and remove breaths.

- How to process voice over to sound great by way of applying relevants effects.

- How to arrange audio files(voice over and music bed) in multitrack.

- Mixing, mastering and exporting a quality produced radio ad.

All relevant learning materials available to aid you throughout the course are available.

You will be given assignments, exercises, practice tests, etc, just to ensure that you are keeping up with classes.

It is a course designed for creative people who are passionate about radio ad production and are willing to earn from it.

You’ll be totally up to speed with the knowledge that you need to even run your own audio editing/production business at home.

Acquiring a skill, especially in radio ad production is one of the greatest gifts to let you bring imagination to life.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to reduce noise in an audio file(voice).
  • Detailed step-by-step training on every part of the edit process.
  • Tips and tricks on how the Adobe Audition CC can enhance your voice.
  • How to mix voice over with music bed to sync perfectly.
  • How to produce quality radio commercials in simple steps

Who Should Attend!

  • Voice over artistes who wants to edit their own voices.
  • Audio production staff who wants to learn Adobe Audition to edit speech voices.
  • People who want to add radio ad production as an alternative or main source of income.