Real Estate Agents Pre-Listing Package.

Wow your potential clients with The Ultimate Pre-Listing Package!

Ratings: 4.60 / 5.00


Did you know 70 to 80% of your competition in real estate does not use a Pre-List Package?  And the few of those agents that are using a Pre-List package are not using them correctly. I'm sure you're aware of the saying “Selling is not telling” and I also heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”  Well, with the right Pre-List Package. Your package will sell your clients on you, your team, your service, and your marketing plan.  

It's time to get excited!  Here are a few things you will learn in this full detailed course:

  • How to prospect for now business  and new business

  • Pre-qualify your clients before the appointment (Scripts Included)

  • What should you include in your Pre-Listing Package

  • How to customize your Presentation Folder

  • Walk through of my 18 point action plan (Edible version provided)

  • Discussing the 150 Point marketing plan (Edible version provided)

  • And much much more! Over 3 hours of essential content!

On your mark, get set, go! Let's dig in and learn how to overtake the competition with a professional proven Pre-List Package!

Can't wait to see you inside the course.


What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn in this course most of your competition does not use a Pre-list Package. When you use a professional Pre-list Package most of the hard work is done for you. Your Pre-list Package Should be able to sell them that you're the Professional without you saying a word.

Who Should Attend!

  • New Real Estate Agents, seasoned Real Estate Agents, and veteran Real Estate Agents. There is information in this course to help Agents at all levels.