REST APIS for beginners - Volley and Android

Build three different android applications using REST APIS.

Ratings: 3.18 / 5.00


In this course you can get to learn about (Representational state transfer) REST APIS such as

1) How they work?

2) What are the different methods which are provided by REST APIS for accessing data from database?

We will be introducing REST API methods such as GET,PUT,POST,PATCH and DELETE.

3) How we can use this REST APIs for building Android applications.

4)We will be also taking a look on using Volley library which is used to access data from the REST APIs.

Along with that we will be building three different android application using REST APIs which are given below :

1) Wallpaper Application.

In this application we will be displaying different wallpapers. We will be adding a functionality with the help of that user will be able to filter all the wallpapers and can search any wallpapers through search bar in the application.

2) Weather Forecasting Application.

In this application we will be displaying the current weather related information of users location and we will be adding a search bar for displaying the weather information at any other location.

3) Library Application. 

In this application we will be displaying different types of books inside our application. We will be also adding a functionality where user can search any books according to his choice.

What You Will Learn!

  • Get the content from servers using APIs.
  • Work with JSON data.
  • Execute HTTP calls using Volley android library.
  • Learn how to use APIs provided by different platforms.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Android developers who are curious to learn working on APIS.