Communication & Feedback Miracles

Communication & Feedback Skills for Decision Making by Students, workmen, managers, executives, families, organizations

Ratings: 4.50 / 5.00


Communication is the ‘lifeblood’ of an organization. Its effectiveness depends on communication and feedback channels, the way information is presented and quality of its content. Employees exchange information with people inside and outside the organization through various types of formal and informal forms of communication and feedback. These are used to express views, share problems, take decisions, negotiate, resolve conflicts and improve productivity etc. Many people lack good communication and feedback skills but just by writing or speaking they presume that the other person has understood the message. Feedback makes communication effective by reporting back whether the message was understood rightly, thus making it a two-way process.

A very vast issue-making effective communication, feedback and right decisions a way of life, is covered through 126 real life experiences in a very simple story telling style for easy grasping by all. This is backed by theoretical knowledge and opinions of some of the best authors across the world in their published books. It will benefit everybody- students; workmen, managers and executives in all types of organizations. The learnings are relevant to everybody- individuals including housewives, families, organizations, nations and the society world over.

This course is based on research by the author Dr. Rakesh Jain on Feedback Management Skills for Decision Making in industrial organizations. His experience of over 39 years in private and public sector as well as a government organization has made the course very relevant. This followed by teaching MBA and engineering students besides engineers in industries has enriched the course further. To make it highly useful for men and women from diverse backgrounds, education and cultures etc. he has used very simple language and also referred to research findings and news items etc.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to solicit right timely feedback to be excellent manager and natural leader. Learn to make it Possible out of the Impossible.
  • Learn to make it possible out of the impossible by Right Communication & Feedback.
  • Know Barriers and pitfalls to right communication and feedback and how to handle them.
  • Learn to Handle communication, feedback and decisions scientifically for right decisions.
  • Learn ongoing analysis of this important aspect of life to become ‘always learning’ person'.
  • Learn to achieve success as employee, manager, family member, group, team and society.
  • Learn to handle difference of opinion, office politics, bullying and information overload etc..
  • Learn to handle feedback in crisis, profile differences and intentional wrong feedback etc.
  • Learn to manage feedback from close or detached people, Yes men and No men etc.
  • Learn to handle opinion leaders, whistle blowers, Design feedback-based governance.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students, workmen, managers and executives in organizations.
  • Benefits all- individuals, families, organizations, nations and the society world over.