Rust Programming Language : The Complete Reference.

Rust Ownership, The move operation in Rust, Rust Trait , Copy Trait , Rust References and Borrowing, Slices ,Vector.

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General Introduction . Rust is for Systems programming. Systems programming is used Operating Systems, Networking, File systems, Databases , Cryptography and much more. Rust is very popular with Concurrency, memory safety at compile time,  and multithreaded applications and type safety. Variables and mutability. By default variables are immutable in Rust. There is a concept called shadowing in Rust. We use println!() macro for printing. Macros are an extended version of functions. Data types. Automatic type casting is not allowed in Rust. Number separator for large numbers using underscores possible in Rust. The mut keyword is used for mutability. Rust strings are divided into string literals and string objects. Match statement is used in Rust like the switch case statement in C/C++. For returning values from functions we can use a single arrow --> like this to indicate a return type.

Parameters are passed to functions by value as well as by Reference  as in other languages. There is a concept called Rust Ownership. The move operation in Rust is similar to a shallow copy in other languages. We have the stack memory as well as the Heap memory. Rust trait is very much similar to the concept of interfaces in Object oriented programming languages. There is a concept called copy trait in Rust.

Rust References and Borrowing. Observe Rust does not have the idea of Garbage collection. There is nothing like Exception handling also in Rust. Rust slices. A slice is a pointer to a block of memory. String slices are literals. Rust  structure is similar to structures in other languages. Rust has Enums as well as Modules. Rust collections include Vector, Hash Map  and Hash Set. Rust Error handling . Recoverable and Unrecoverable errors in Rust. Panic macro and Unrecoverable errors. Generic types, Generic structures.

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn the objectives of programming in general . Rust is an advanced modern programming language like Python and Golang etc. Worth learning.
  • The student is introduced to the basic concepts of programming . The basic building blocks of programming like variables, constants, functions are introduced.
  • The students are exposed to writing and running small sized programs to large project based application programs and even systems programming.
  • The student is encouraged to create mini projects like college projects and serious prototype projects needed in their professional fields.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for every aspiring programmer on earth. This course will be very useful for science graduates and engineering students of all branches. Especially those of you who are specializing in Computer Science and Engineering , this course will be greatly helpful.