Salsa and Bachata Lady Styling Essentials - Beautiful Arms

How to move our arms gracefully on the dancefloor

Ratings: 4.70 / 5.00


This course will help you learn and practice the most essential moves of the arms that are used in Salsa and Bachata dance.

It contains 14 videos with total length of almost 2 hours, each one targeting a specific topic.

In the first 3 videos I show fundamentals - how to move and style our arms during our basic steps, finger positions that we use in our dancing, specific warm-up and stretches for arms and fingers.

In the next 6 videos I show specific types of arm moves - the technique of execution and also how to include them in your basic steps (first on count and then on music)

In the last 4 videos I show dance combinations (2 Salsa and 2 Bachata) in which I have incorporated the moves I have already explained with footwork and with other moves of the arms, so that there is an upgrade of the information from the previous videos.

The last video is a bonus video in which I show some additional technique and tips that will help you improve your moves.

What You Will Learn!

  • Lady styling moves of the arms in Salsa and Bachata
  • Styling combinations in Salsa and Bachata
  • How to move our arms during our basic steps in Salsa and Bachata
  • Finger positions in Salsa and Bachata

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner and intermediate Salsa and Bachata students
  • Any Salsa and Bachata student, who wants to improve their technique