Selenium Python: Beginners to Advanced [Live Project]

Includes all the Pre-requisites required for Selenium. Also includes Pytest and BDD Frameworks creation from scratch.

Ratings: 4.58 / 5.00


This is a detailed course on Selenium Python, starting from basics including all the pre-requisites required for learning Selenium. This course starts with the below introduction topics:

  1. What is Manual Testing?

  2. What is Automation Testing?

  3. How can an Automation Tool perform Testing?

  4. What is Selenium?

  5. Types of Applications that Selenium can Automate?

  6. Official Website of Selenium

  7. Is Selenium free or paid?

  8. Is Selenium is Open Source?

  9. Different Browsers supported by Selenium

  10. Different Operating Systems supported by Selenium

  11. Different Programming Languages supported by Selenium

  12. Different Components in Selenium

  13. Different versions of Selenium

  14. Finding out the Future of Selenium using ChatGPT AI

  15. Pre-requisites required for learning Selenium

Some basic knowledge of Software Testing is required for understanding this course. The below are the different topics on Software Testing that are covered in this course:

  1. What is Software Testing?

  2. How Testing is performed manually?

  3. Why we have to go for automation testing?

In this course, we have to learn Python programming language as a pre-requisite for automating in Selenium. The below are the different topics on Python programming language that are covered in this course:

  1. Introduction to Python

  2. Downloading, Installing and Configuring Python

  3. Downloading, Installing and Using PyCharm IDE

  4. Printing in Python using Print statements

  5. Variables in Python

  6. Data Types in Python

  7. Type Casting in Python

  8. Operators in Python

  9. Comments in Python

  10. Operator Precedence in Python

  11. Deleting a variable in Python

  12. Using + for String concatenation

  13. Storing Multi-line preformatted String text into a variable

  14. Storing a lengthy text into a variable

  15. Formatting Print statements in Python

  16. Control Flow Statements in Python

  17. Selection/Decision Control Statements in Python - if, else, elif

  18. while loop in Python

  19. for loop with range() in Python

  20. break and continue statements in Python - Transfer/Jump Statements

  21. Functions - Getting started

  22. Function can be called multiple times

  23. Parameterizing functions

  24. Default Arguments in functions

  25. Function with multiple parameters

  26. Functions can return data

  27. Purpose of functions

  28. Multiple functions can be created

  29. Collecting input from User using input() in-built function

  30. max() and min() in-built functions in python

  31. Local and Global Variables in Python

  32. pass statement in Python

  33. Collections in Python

  34. List - Collections

  35. Tuple - Collections

  36. Set - Collections

  37. Dictionary - Collections

  38. List Versus Tuple Versus Set Versus Dictionary

  39. Strings

  40. in and not in operators

  41. File Handling

  42. Getting started with Object Oriented Programming - Classes and Objects

  43. self in Python

  44. Assigning method parameters to class variables using self keyword

  45. Initializing Class Variables using methods in Python

  46. __init__ method in Python

  47. Static Variables, Static Methods, Instance Variables, Instance Methods

  48. Inheritance

  49. Types of Inheritance

  50. Polymorphism - Method Overriding

  51. Overloading Methods is not directly supported by Python

  52. super() in Python

  53. Private Variable and Private Methods in Python

  54. Using Getter and Setter Methods with private variables in Python

  55. Encapsulation in Python

  56. Abstraction in Python - Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods

  57. Modules in Python

  58. Packages in Python

  59. Exception Handling in Python

  60. Lambda function in Python

  61. Using *args in Python

  62. Using **kwargs in Python

  63. Unpacking Collections or range() into individual variables

  64. Complex Data Type in Python

  65. range Data Type in Python

  66. Complete List of Data Types in Python

  67. Generating Random numbers in Python

  68. Escape Characters in Python

  69. Using bool() function in python for evaluating values as True or False

  70. Short Hand if and if .. else Statements in Python

  71. User iter() function in Python with List, Tuple, Set and Dictionary

  72. Date and Time in Python

  73. Regular Expressions in Python

Basic knowledge of HTML is required for understanding locators which help Selenium in finding web elements on the web page. The below are the different topics on HTML Basics covered in this course:

  1. What is HTML?

  2. HTML Tags, Attribute Names, Attribute Values, enclosed Text and HTML Elements

  3. Structure of HTML

  4. Adding Title to the HTML Web Page

  5. Adding Paragraphs to HTML Web Page

  6. Adding Bold, Italic and Underlined text to HTML Web Page

  7. Adding different sizes of headings

  8. Adding hyperlinks to the web page

  9. Adding rulers to the web page

  10. Adding images to web page

  11. Adding line breaks to web page

  12. Adding table to web page

Locators is one of the pre-requisite we have to learning for learning Selenium. There are different types of locators which help Selenium in finding the elements on the web page. The below are the different topics on locators which are covered in this course:

  1. What are Locators?

  2. Different types of Locators

  3. Demonstrating ID locator

  4. Demonstrating Name Locator

  5. Demonstrating Class Name locator

  6. Demonstrating Link Text locator

  7. Demonstrating CSS Selector locator

  8. Demonstrating XPath locator

  9. Demonstrating DOM locator

  10. Priority of Locators

  11. XPath Expressions in detail

  12. CSS Selecorts in detail

  13. SelectorsHub

  14. XPath Expressions and CSS Selectors in detail

Selenium WebDriver is the main component of Selenium, which needs to be learnt for Selenium Automation. The below are the detailed topics which are covered in this course as part of Selenium WebDriver:

  1. Downloading, Installing and Configuring Python

  2. Installing, Launching and using PyCharm IDE

  3. Installing Selenium for Python

  4. Opening different browsers using Selenium Python on Windows

  5. Maximizing the browser window

  6. Opening the Application URL in Browser

  7. Minimizing the browser window

  8. Finding element using different locators

  9. Clicking on different types of Web Elements

  10. Typing text into Text Fields

  11. Storing the Element to perform multiple operations on same element

  12. Clearing the text from Text Fields

  13. Retrieving the text between HTML tags

  14. Retrieving the title of the current web page

  15. Retrieving the URL of the current web page

  16. Closing the current browser window

  17. Closing all the browser windows

  18. Retrieving the value of any HTML elements attribute

  19. Checking whether the element is displayed on the page

  20. Checking the display status of hidden elements on the page

  21. Checking whether the element is enabled or disabled

  22. Checking the selection status of radio buttons and check box fields

  23. Navigate forward and backward in Browser

  24. Refreshing the Web Page

  25. View the Web Page in Full Screen Mode

  26. Set the size of a window

  27. Submitting the form

  28. Taking screen-shot of the web page

  29. Retrieving the HTML tag name of Web Element on Page

  30. Finding the size of the web element

  31. Finding the location of the Web Element

  32. Finding both size and location of the Web Element

  33. Setting page load time out for the website to open

  34. Finding multiple elements on the web page

  35. Finding element or elements using Tag Name

  36. Handling JavaScript Alerts

  37. Handling JavaScript Confirmation Dialogs

  38. Handling JavaScript Prompts

  39. Handling Authentication Popups

  40. Handling Application Web Push Notifications (Permission Pop-ups)

  41. Handling Bootstrap Dropdown

  42. Handling JQuery dropdown

  43. Handling Radio buttons and checkbox fields

  44. Handling Hyperlinks

  45. Handling StaleElementReferenceException

  46. And many more topics

Along with the above, several topics like PyTest, Utilities, Frameworks, Jenkins, Git, GitHub, BDD Behave and Selenium Grid are covered in-depth from scratch to the advanced level in this course.

What You Will Learn!

  • Selenium,Python Programming, Frameworks, Selenium Live Project and so on
  • Selenium Python in depth
  • Python from Basics
  • Popular Frameworks in market which are built from scratch, along with Live Project

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners and Advanced Selenium Members
  • This course is made easy for beginners too