Self Help Womb Massage Course

Nourish & Nurture your Womb & Abdomen, by improving circulation and easing digestive & menstrual complaints.

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Whether you are on a fertility journey, have menstrual or digestive complaints, feel disconnected from yourself or just wish to nurture your body, this self-help massage is a beautiful gift to yourself.

This course guides you through a self-help abdominal massage, to support, ease & improve your digestive & reproductive systems. As these two systems are connected by the same nerves that stem from the lower back and sacrum, you will also be guided though self help massages and stretches to improve the circulation to the lower back and buttocks, to enhance the nerve supply.

Variations are offered according to whether you are trying to conceive or not, and for the different phases of your menstrual cycle.

You will learn how to massage your digestive system to help with:

  • Improving the functioning of your bowels

  • Easing bloating

  • Breaking down hardened areas

The womb massage will help:

  • Bring circulation to your womb

  • Break down scar issue

  • Soften tension

  • Connect you into your womb space.

Energetically connecting to your womb space at the end of the treatment helps to either call in a baby, a creative idea, the essence of yourself or just to connect to your body and learn to love your womb.

In Module one, you will find a 60 page E-Book "Love Your Womb", helping women to connect, understand and know their bodies. You will find self-help techniques in addition the massage, deeper wisdom on the menstrual cycle from an energetic and emotional approach, core strengthening exercises and lots of insights into crystal, yoni steams and chakras along with plenty more.

A module on Mucus and Menstruation will give you knowledge on the menstrual cycle, each phase and the changes that occur with our mucus throughout the cycle. This knowledge is empowering, whether you are on a fertility journey or just wish to know and understand your body better.

Bonus Tracks provide additional support to your abdominal health.

  • Castor Oil Packs provide a self-help treatment to break down scar tissue, improve circulation & elimination and soften the abdomen.

  • The Psoas stretches are ideal for any “holding” in the abdomen, especially when connected to fear, which is the energy of the Psoas muscle.

What You Will Learn!

  • Discover how to massage your abdomen & womb to improve circulation and ease menstrual & digestive complaints
  • How to adapt the massage throughout your menstrual cycle
  • Discover ways to connect, love & nourish your womb in a 60 page E-Book
  • Self Help methods to stretch, release and massage your lower back and buttocks
  • Understand the menstrual cycle and the changes in mucus to empower yourself
  • Discover how to strengthen and release the Psoas muscle; the muscle that holds fear
  • Step by Step guide how to use Castor Oil packs.

Who Should Attend!

  • A self-help massage of the abdomen to nourish & nurture the Womb & Digestive areas to improve circulation & connection.
  • Any woman who suffers with menstrual complaints
  • Anyone on a fertility journey, whether naturally or assisted
  • Any woman who feels disconnected from their creative centre, their womb.
  • Any woman curious to know MORE about how their body functions, in particular with their menstrual cycle and mucus changes.