Sell more by talking less.

A science-backed method to join the TOP 20% sales reps

Ratings: 4.91 / 5.00


The role of the salesperson has changed significantly in the past 20 years. Today, clients have access to the same information as you do, they conduct their own research on what they want or need before speaking with you.

This means that clients are not interested in hearing you pitch the features of your product or the success your company has had, they can easily find this online.

Buyers want something else from you, the salesperson: they want you to understand them. To listen to them. They want you to help them find the answers to their challenges and their needs.

Why else do you think Buyers still want to speak with salespeople?

This is what this course is about: you will learn how to help your clients through their buying process, making them consider things they were not considering before, giving them knowledge that they don’t have, helping them solve their specific problems and meet their specific needs.

Listening to Buyers enables understanding, it generates trust. By listening more than you talk, you will be setting yourself for success, showing them that you are genuinely interested in helping them, not in helping yourself or what you sell.

By helping them, you will, of course, help yourself.

What You Will Learn!

  • Improve your sales behavior to a more tailor-made approach based on Value for your Buyers --> this is what Buyers want from salespeople
  • Identify and focus on advantages and benefits of your product/service for your clients
  • Create your own Persuasive Table, a useful worksheet/template that will help you prepare all your sales meetings and calls
  • Start using these powerful questioning techniques in your sales work and in your life --> you will become more in control, more persuasive

Who Should Attend!

  • Sales professionals using the same sales pitch for all potential clients
  • Sales professionals frequently losing business to competitors
  • Salespeople wanting to have a differentiated sales approach to clients, one based on Value