Selling & Salesmanship for Job Interviews

Master the art of selling and framing your answers in job interviews to obtain highest impact

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Every candidate has their own style when it comes to selling their skills at job interviews. But there are some core principles that every candidate needs to employ, in order to be successful.

Interviewers expect you to sell your skills to them, but they don't  appreciate when you come across as boastful or arrogant. There is an art to selling and navigating that fine balance. This section of the JobWinner course will help you to master those skills and show you how to best prepare for interviews, armed with effective selling tactics and the right information to make an employer want you to be part of their team.

How you frame your answers in a job interview is critical. There's so much you can say, but you need to learn which aspects of your career are most relevant for any given position. In other words, you need to know what content should be included (or framed) in your answers. This section of the JobWinner course on 'Framing your interview answers' will demonstrate how you can have the highest level of impact, to get you ever closer to securing a job offer.

JobWinner is a 4 hour self-paced video training course designed to help you navigate the employment landscape like a pro. To complete the entire course you can visit our Australian website: JobWinner

What You Will Learn!

  • Learning the art of Selling & Salesmanship for Job Interviews
  • How to match Level of Seniority
  • How to match Industry Background
  • How to match Functional Experience
  • How to match Leadership Experience
  • How to match Company Culture

Who Should Attend!

  • Business professionals or anyone wanting to enter the corporate sector