Customer Service Excellence Training

Learn the essentials of providing customer service excellence and how to handle customer complaints effectively!

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Do you want to improve your job prospects, advance in your career, or develop a mindset that is willing to learn about and deliver customer service excellence? Do you want to learn how to deal with customer complaints in a positive way? This course is just for you!

Customer service excellence is no longer an option; it is a survival tool. Client service excellence does not create a competitive edge; it dictates who the market leader will be. If we deal with customer complaints quickly and effectively, we can transform dissatisfied customers into delighted clients.

As online reviews and recommendations from friends and family have become increasingly important in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, delivering on the customer experience has become more crucial than ever to the long-term profitability of a company. Great customer service leads to better customer loyalty, higher revenue, and lower costs.

Delivering customer service excellence is not only about establishing standards of service and training; it is also about creating a service culture that is embraced and empowers individuals to add their personal touch.

Customer service excellence is what distinguishes you from the competition. Be the best of the best! Not only will we cover details relating to client service excellence, but we will also look at how to make service excellence a lifestyle and get to know more about yourself. We will guide you through the entire course, step-by-step, and you will be able to download the handouts, activities, and workbook. When you have completed this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify your role in customer service excellence in your organization.

  • Identify your current levels of client service excellence.

  • Identify personal barriers to customer service excellence.

  • Know how to handle Customer Complaints.

  • Identify the necessity for change and reasons that people resist change.

  • Apply a Simple Framework for dealing with Change. The Five I's

  • Have the ability to building excellent relationships

What You Will Learn!

  • How to deliver Customer Service Excellence.
  • How to handle Customer Complaints effectively and professionally.
  • How to defining Service Excellence and Poor Service
  • Understand your role in Customer Service Excellence in the organization
  • Understand the importance of change to introduce Customer Service Excellence
  • Develop a mindset and lifestyle of customer service excellence
  • Establish a positive attitude, make peace and move on without baggage
  • How to build excellent relationships and unlearn bad habits
  • How to use your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage
  • You get free handouts and a student workbook (which can be downloaded)

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to deliver customer service excellence
  • People who want to advance in their jobs and careers
  • People who wants to make service excellence their lifestyle
  • Young People, especially Generation Z - Those born after 1996