Seven Day Piano Challenge

"Where Your Nu Piano Journey Begins"

Ratings: 0.00 / 5.00

Seven Day Piano Challenge


Hello, I'm Fred the Piano Coach. I'm excited that you're considering taking the Seven Day Piano Challenge. This course is simple fun and engaging. In the 7 Day Piano Challenge you will gain insight on the right mindset, correct posture, proper fingering, and by the end of the course, you will learn a song and how to create your own unique song all in 7 days. This course includes simple videos to follow and also includes a 15 min free consultation once you complete the 7 Day Challenge. I believe now is the perfect time for you to start or restart playing the piano. This course is designed for absolute beginners or people who need a referesher. I'm excited and I'm hoping you will give me the opportunity to coach you along this journey. Why wait any longer in pursuing your dream of playing the piano. I know you have what it takes to be a successful piano player. Three keys to being successful be coachable, be willing to try new things, never quit. A question to you the future amazing piano player, Are you ready to take on the 7 Day Piano Challenge? See you on the other side.  Coach Fred

What You Will Learn!

  • In the seven day piano challenge students will learn the basic fundamentals in playing the piano

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Adults and Teenagers who have a desire to learn to play the piano.