The School for Emotional Transformation - 1st Module

Introduction to the School & Chakra Psychology

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* This course includes the first weekend the 8 weekends of the School.

1st Module: Introductory weekend + Introduction to Chakra Psychology

In this introductory seminar we will start by exploring the journey ahead through the

syllabus and the school structure and processes of learning. We will also learn about the

basic principle of the TIP (= True Inner Power) Method and the unique nature of

transformational coaching. We will then approach the world of emotions as if for the first

time, attempting to gain a penetrating insight into the very phenomenon of emotion. Hence,

the first questions we should answer are: What are emotions? How can we overcome the gap

between our intellectual understanding and the raw power of our primal emotions? And also,

why are emotions so challenging? After exploring the role and meaning of emotions, and

based on this insight, we will study the most comprehensive mapping of the emotional world:

the seven layers of emotions according to Chakra Psychology as well as their corresponding

seven transformations - the seven forms of emotional transformation. We will apply the

knowledge of Chakra Psychology through initial practices of “Chakra reflection.”

Emotional maturity is a rare thing. Even if we understand a lot intellectually, our emotions and patterns and themes tend to remain stubbornly fixed.

How can you finally let these confused emotions mature? How can you evolve them from unchanging patterns to light and spiritual strength? And how can we move from stuck emotions to a flow of creative action in life?

If we can speak the language of emotions, we are able to whisper to them until they reveal their innermost spiritual energy

What You Will Learn!

  • What are emotions?
  • How can we overcome the gap between our intellectual understanding and the raw power of our primal emotions?
  • Why are emotions so challenging?
  • The seven layers of emotions according to Chakra Psychology

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who want to reach true emotional maturity