Apache Spark and Scala for Cassandra Professionals

Learn How To Use Apache Spark for Data Stored In Apache Cassandra

Ratings: 4.57 / 5.00


*** This training course was recorded between December 2020 & January 2021. All the content is still valid. ***

Apache Cassandra is the most powerful NoSQL database.

Apache Spark is the best analytics engine for large-scale data processing.

It is very challenging for Apache Cassandra Database Administrators to learn a new language and a new analytics engine.

In this course we will start with the basics of Scala Language.

We will download and install Scala on CentOS Linux server.

We will understand what is Scala REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop).

We will discuss about Scala Variables, Data Types, var and val.

We will understand why these new technologies are using Immutable objects.

We will learn how to use for loop and foreach along with print and println.

We will understand how to use Apache Spark for various use cases along with Apache Cassandra use cases.

We will learn how to download and configure Apache Spark to build a cluster.

We will understand the configuration files for Spark Master and Spark Workers.

We will discuss about Spark Driver, Worker, Executor and Tasks.

We will learn how to start and stop Spark Master and Spark Workers.

We will use spark-shell to read data from CSV formatted files.

We will use spark-shell for operations such as count, take, foreach, print & println.

We will learn about filter, contains and map and reduce.

We will use a very large million row file for advanced analytics.

We will learn the differences between APIs such as RDD, DataFrame and Dataset APIs.

We will learn how to use Spark SQL with DataFrame APIs.

We will understand how to use Spark Cassandra Connector to use Spark Analytics on data stored in Cassandra.

We will learn how to configure connectivity between Spark and Cassandra for various APIs such as RDD / DataFrame / Dataset APIs.

We will use RDD APIs in spark-shell to read data from Cassandra tables and write data back to Cassandra tables.

We will learn how to use Spark to perform the complicated tasks which are not possible in Cassandra.

We will learn how to use Spark SQL with DataFrames API and Datasets API to read and write data from Cassandra.

We will use Spark SQL to solve several complicated use cases which are not possible in Cassandra.

This is a special of one of its kind training course for "Apache Spark and Scala for Cassandra DBAs".

NOTE : This training was recorded as a conversation between 2 people. Instructor and the Student. During this course you will hear both of them speaking. I guarantee that you will not find this kind of course content anywhere else on whole internet. So please try this training course.

What You Will Learn!

  • Scala
  • Apache Spark
  • Spark Cassandra Connector

Who Should Attend!

  • Apache Cassandra Professionals who want to learn Apache Spark