Spirtual power of the moon and its meanings

Cycles of the moon and how we can use them spiritually to empower us

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I'm angel psychic  Medium, spiritual healer, herbalist and white witch. I have always been conected to the moon I prefer night over day. I feel spiritually I am conected to the moon and I prefer to do my psychic and meduimship work at night time I still do all my spirtual work at day time I just feel im more powerful at night time.I belive that it is because of the moon power. I wish I had someone to teach me things on my spiritual path Let me be that person for come with me an I'll teach you things that I have  Learnt along the way in this course I will cover the powers of the moon And how we can spiritually use the moon power to empower us.  In this we will cover moon cycles the powers of the 4 main moons,  How  Connecting to the moon can Benefit You and rituals you can do,  what moon is best for manifesting, what moons are good for spells and what moon is the best to release negitivaty. What   the affect of the  moon power has on our emotions and aspects of our lives it will likely affect. How to spiritually conect to the moon

What You Will Learn!

  • Witchcraft
  • Moon cycles
  • Power of the moon
  • How you can impower your life
  • Moon magic
  • Spirtual development
  • Moon power

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner