Stata Code

Practicing is the simplest method of learning.

Ratings: 0.00 / 5.00


This course is designed to allow students to learn and understand the coding in Stata through three practice tests. The course's main objective is to help students develop critical thinking skills and learn to think independently while following the screen instructions.

Coding is a rapidly growing field with a vast array of possibilities, and students need to learn the basic concepts and understand the potential of coding. By completing the practice tests, students will be able to apply what they have learned in a simulated environment and gain a better understanding of the material. They will know how to use a dataset, create variables, and write a loop.

This course is specifically designed to help beginner students get a rapid start in coding. The course covers some advanced content that is typically only available to more experienced students. However, by presenting this "advanced" material to beginner students, they are able to learn quickly and not waste time on only the basics before moving on to more complex topics. The course is also designed to be flexible so students can learn at their own pace.

In summary, this course is an excellent opportunity for beginner students to quickly gain a solid understanding of coding and develop the skills they need to become proficient in Stata.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learning to code in stata
  • Importing
  • Creating variable
  • Loopings

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Stata user