Statistics explained easy 1 - Descriptives

Topics: Descriptives, Correlation and Simple Regression. Explanations by hand or with the use of a simple calculator.

Ratings: 3.91 / 5.00


Woooow! Are you at university and you don't understand what your statistics teacher is talking about? Here I will explain everything in an easy way :) Just day to day examples, and you will learn that statistics is not hard at all ;)   A lot of my students who first did not pass statistics get not only a pass but a really high grade :) 

Of course this will not be a completely tailored course for you, (every statistics subject is different), like my private lessons, but I will structure it for you in such a way that you only have to learn the subjects which are relevant for you! This will mean that you can skip a lot of lessons. But hey, perhaps you will become a statisitics geek, and you can finish all the lessons (hahahaha, don't think so!)

I guess to finish one statistics subject on average you will need around 40 hours, but for some people it can be much more or much less.

In this course you will find:

  • all the descriptive statistics which you need to know
  • Basic math skills which you need to perform the statistical calculations
  • Calculate correlation coefficient and a regression slope by hand
  • Next to the calculations I explain you fully what all topics mean and how to interpret them :)
  • Most important I explain it in an easy going way.
  • A lot of clear examples and hand on exercises to master your new skills.

In the next course I will explain everything about the Normal Distribution (and explain also other distributions) (Coming soon!)

And afterwards all inferential statistics (hypothesis testing) (coming soon!)

And in my last course (Statistics Explained Easy - SPSS) (Already available), I explain completely to you how SPSS works! (Statistical package which will do all the calculation for you ;) )

Anyway, please look through the course topics (Curriculum) and watch (some of) my preview videos :)

See you inside the course!

Cheers from the Netherlands,


What You Will Learn!

  • UNDERSTAND everything about Descriptive Statistics
  • ENROLL in my next courses
  • KNOW about calculating correlation and regression lines (not hypothesis testing)
  • TURN numbers into Statistical results
  • CALCULATE easy descriptives by hand of with a simple calculator
  • APPLY for higher paid jobs
  • HOW to pass your statistics subject
  • STUDY effectively without wasting time

Who Should Attend!

  • All students who have some statistics subjects in their program
  • For example, Psychology or Business Students who have to deal with one or more statistics subjects
  • NOT FOR students doing econometrics or doing a bachelor or master in Statistics