Statistics for Non-Statisticians

Statistics, clinical trials, data analysis

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The training aims to familiarize participants with the concept of building research using statistics. Participants will learn how to plan studies correctly, determine sample size, connect statistics with their own research ideas, and interpret the obtained results.

Who this course is designed for:

The course is intended for individuals who are just starting their academic career (Ph.D. students, research and teaching assistants) or taking their first steps in fields closely related to statistics, such as clinical research.

What will you learn?

After this course, you will understand how to properly design studies using statistics, how to construct survey questionnaires appropriately so that the collected data enables later statistical analysis. Additionally, you will learn how to interpret analysis results and what to pay attention to in statistical developments.

About us

The course is conducted by Aneta Piechaczek, PhD. Statistician and econometrician. In the years 2017-2021, an employee of the Laboratory of Applications of Mathematics in Economics AGH UST. PhD in the field of Management and Quality Science, developing in her dissertation the issues of more advanced statistical analyses in socio-economic sciences. In 2021, she was nominated for the Didactics Laurel of AGH university. Author and co-author of several scientific publications related to data analysis and statistics. Statistician of the BioStat Research and Development Center.

BioStat Research and Development Center is among the commercial scientific institutions with the status of a Research and Development Center (Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe, CBR) registered by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand how to properly design studies using statistics
  • How to construct survey questionnaires appropriately so that the collected data enables later statistical analysis
  • How to interpret analysis results
  • What to pay attention to in statistical developments

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals who are just starting their academic career (Ph.D. students, research and teaching assistants)
  • Individuals, who taking their first steps in fields closely related to statistics, such as clinical research.