Succeed the PMP certification on first attempt (Agile 2022)

450 exam questions in English with answers and explanations to pass the PMP® certification

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The certification, issued by the PMI (Project Management Institute) is recognized worldwide.

La certification nécessite un réel engagement et une expérience avérée dans le monde de la gestion de projet. La certification PMP augmente significativement la valeur marchande des compétences des professionnels certifiés et facilite la recherche d'emploi.

Indeed, companies are looking for PMP certified professionals in order to benefit from qualified personnel, who bring a lot of knowledge and experience.

The advantages of PMP:

1. New skills

The PMP certification system includes many new learnings. It covers both technical and general skills and prepares the participant to be a full-fledged project manager.

2. Global recognition

The PMP is universally recognized. The PMP is global and the techniques and skills acquired can be applied to all types of projects. PMP is independent from the industry.

3. Commitment to your profession

Writing " PMP " on your CV will show your colleagues, managers and recruiters that you take your job very seriously. It shows that you are up to date with the latest developments in project management and that you are eager to learn and develop constantly.

4. Be part of the community

Worldwide, there are approximately one million PMP certified professionals. PMI regularly organizes events for these professionals to increase networking opportunities.

5. Professional growth

The certification PMP increases your chances for career advancement and salary increases.

This training contains 450 typical MCQ exercises in English, corrected and commented, modeled on the PMP® certification success exams.

Indeed, this training takes place in 4 practical exams, 2 of which must be taken under the same conditions as the official exam ( 180 questions in 4 hours, 170 are considered and 128 corrected, i.e. 75% to guarantee certification):

Quick test 1:45 MCQ01

Quick test 2:45 MCQ02

MOOC Exam 1: 180 MCQ03

MOOC Exam 2: 180 MCQ04

Finally, the tests offered are very complete with an affordable price compared to other PMP® courses in English, available on UDEMY.

#pmp, #project management, #project management certification, #projet, #gestion de projet, #management projet

What You Will Learn!

  • Exam questions to prepare and pass the PMP certification (In French with answers and explanations)
  • PMP makes it possible to assess the knowledge and processes implemented in project management

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone involved in project management (support functions, business, IT engineers, Telecoms, digital project managers, etc.)