


  • グローバル企業におけるヘッドクォータズ(本部)の役割とは何か?

  • グローバル企業の本部機能の事例

  • 監査・リスク・コンプライアンス活動の地域職場のコーポレート業務に何を委ねるか。

  • ヘッドクォーターに期待することは何か?

  • ヘッドクオーターで働く人に求められる能力は何か?

  • リージョナルカレッジに期待することは何ですか?

【Study for efficient Global Corporate Compliance】

We shall study audit, risk and compliance in terms of global perspectives.

  • What is the role of headquarters at a global company?

  • Where is the headquarters office in the world? (Benefit / Non benefit)

  • What shall be delegated to regional workplace corporate work of audit, risk and compliance activities?

  • What are the expectations for headquarters?

  • What are the abilities required for the people who work at headquarters?

  • What are the expectations for regional colleges?



  1. 株式会社設立に必要な定款への記載事項(日本国会社法と比較を踏まえて)

  2. 株主総会の権限

  3. 取締役会の権限及び取締役会の運営

  4. 取締役会の権限移譲

[Case study regarding the formation of a new corporation].

The main focus of this lecture on corporate governance in the establishment of a joint stock company is to help you understand the following points. The lecture will use the establishment of a new company in Turkey as a case study.

  1. Items to be included in the articles of incorporation required for the establishment of a joint stock company (based on comparison with the Japanese Companies Act)

  2. Powers of the General Meeting of Shareholders

  3. Powers of the Board of Directors and operation of the Board of Directors

  4. Transfer of authority of the Board of Directors

What You Will Learn!

  • 企業が取り組むべき2024年度のビジネス・リスクを理解できるようになります。Understand the priority risk for FY 2024.
  • コンプライアンス統合型活動/Compliance Integrated Activity
  • 贈収賄・腐敗防止について学びます。Learn about anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
  • トルコ事例をあげて、合弁会社の形態を学びます。Students learn about the form of joint ventures by giving a Turkish case study.
  • グローバル・コンプライアンス活動および統括について学びます。Learn about global compliance activities.

Who Should Attend!

  • コンプライアンス推進に関わっている方 / Those involved in compliance promotion
  • 中東地域でビジネス展開を関わっている方 / Those involved in business development in the Middle East region.