Sustainable tourism. A complete guide.

Everything you need to know about sustainability and the challenges it has in the tourism field.

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In this course, we will analyse what is sustainable tourism. Obviously, we will start by explaining what is tourism and tourist and then we will continue with what is sustainability. When those definitions are clear we will dive into sustainable tourism. My approach is that it is impossible to talk about sustainable tourism if first, we do not clarify what is tourism and tourist and then we will continue to what is sustainable tourism. We will see examples of sustainable development and we will analyse the challenges and tools we have to measure or count our environmental impact. Nowadays we are listening to all-time about suitability and green development but is not very clear what it is. Tourism is a gigantic industry with almost 1 in every 10 jobs so it is obvious the need for sustainable development in such an important and influential industry. Sustainability is even bigger than tourism itself and it is going to be explained in this course why sustainability should be a general way of living and not just a segment of the tourism industry.  If you want to know everything you need about sustainable tourism this is the ideal course for you.

And as always thank you for choosing and watching me.

What You Will Learn!

  • What is sustainable tourism.
  • What are the challenges of sustainable tourism.
  • What are the tools we have in the development of sustainable tourism.
  • Why sustainable development is a necessity.

Who Should Attend!

  • For everyone related to the tourism industry.
  • For anyone who want to know more about sustainable development.