Taking the Shamanic Journey (Audio Course)

Cultivate your relationship with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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In this five-part audio course, bestselling author and Founding Director of Sacred Stream, Isa Gucciardi, teaches how Applied Shamanism can be used in our contemporary lifestyle for wisdom, guidance, and clarity. Drawing from 30 years of practice and teaching, she demonstrates how you have the capacity to shift your state of consciousness and call in higher wisdom, renewed power, and untapped insight. You’ll learn what core shamanism really is, how it has developed all over the world, how it was lost and why it is coming back to guide us in the 21st century. You’ll learn the concepts of personal power and soul retrieval, the realms of wisdom that can be tapped into through your mind, and how to safely and successfully call upon this wisdom in your life to guide your decision making. As you expand your knowledge of Applied Shamanic techniques, you will come to see yourself, the world, and your place in the world in new ways. Our Applied Shamanism courses are designed to support you in this personal transformation. If your path is that of an energy healer or shamanic healer, the courses are designed to help you refine your perceptions, so that all that you continue to learn as you are serving others is easier to integrate.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn what core shamanism is.
  • Learn how shamanism has developed all over the world.
  • Learn how shamanism was lost and why it is coming back to guide us in the 21st century.
  • Learn the concepts of personal power and soul retrieval.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who wish to cultivate their relationships with their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance to experience healing, clarify your purpose, solve problems, and serve others.