
这是林源泉博士真传系列课程, 共有12个远程学分。


本课程提供NCCAOM以及CAB批准的自主学习继续教育学分(Distance Course), 共3个学分。

本课程由台湾著名中醫望診的大師林源泉博士主讲。林源泉博士臨床看診40年餘,擅長使用望診結合水藥,治療各式疑難雜症、皮膚病、癌症。出版中醫叢書: 鼻病的望診與治法、十字面形診治法、頭面部五官各論、看相養病等書籍。吸引臺灣上百位的臨床中醫師跟隨學習,弟子無數。

  1. 心血管系統望診複習

  2. 心血管系統七個用藥思維

  3. 心血管疾病案例治療剖析

  4. 腦血管疾病案例治療剖析

  5. 心腦血管特效中藥介紹

    观看录像后,您需要作不需考核的练习题 已及提交需要考核的考试。完成本课程后,可以申请获得NCCAOM以及CAB的学分证书。


This course will teach:

  1. Review of the Clinical Observation of cardiovascular diseases

  2. Ways of thinking on the use of herbs in the seven types of cardiovascular disease

  3. Treatment analysis of clinical cases of cardiovascular disease

  4. Treatment analysis of clinical cases of cerebrovascular disease

  5. Introduction of specific herbs used in cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases

What You Will Learn!

  • Use herbal combinations for the seven constitutions of cardiovascular disease
  • Use Diagnostic Inspection to identify the cardiovascular disease patient’s constitution and the corresponding herbal treatment through the study of cli
  • Identify the cerebrovascular disease patient’s constitution and the use of herbs, and the treatment of the early stage of stroke through clinical case studies
  • Use the 8 common herbs in treating cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases with different methods

Who Should Attend!

  • Licensed acupuncturists who need NCCAOM PDA and/or California Acupuncture Board CEU credits. This course belongs to the distance learning category.