Win Friends, Influence Others to Build a High Performance Team

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We will learn about Team development, Financial Literacy, Reputation, Change and Creativity as Currencies and Finally Asset Aquisition, development and management which are the fundamentals of business processes.  Business is all about solving problems, making life easier and entertaining audiences through the use of fear, beauty or humour. I have been involved with organizations all my career to help not for profits, corporate, academic and government agencies improve in all areas. I am dedicated and will give research based strategies and exercises that are proven to work. Please check me out on LinkedIN to learn more about me and what I have done in order to help you and your team grow, change and create. I have a book on Amazon with these research based ideas and usefulness for action.

I am not the smartest person in the room. My job is to draw out of each of you your authentic self that people see value in and want to pay for. This involves leading with vulnerability as audiences don't necessarily resonate with others who have it all figured out, but rather are intrigued by others who are like them: Full of aspirations and ability to want to achieve great things, but we often realize we find comfort in connecting with others who are having challenges and if they can overcome them or improve, this gives us hope for our lives and dreams. This journey involves journaling and unlearning automatic negative thought processes and scarcity mindsets which lead to damaging decision making which makes fight or flight decision responses rather than gratitude and appreciation responses. This course will inspire the move from scarcity and lack to abundance and possibility. From Fear to Faith and worry to ability.

What You Will Learn!

  • Connect, Create and Inspire collaboration with individuals
  • Persuade, Network, Set and Achieve meaningful goals
  • Nurture and Followup with Metrics to ensure group effectiveness
  • Reputation, Creativity and Change Currency to achieve top results.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students who put investment in themselves as priority.