Terraform E2E Mastery with Realtime Frameworks & Pipelines

Module Framework & dependencies ,Variables ,tfvars ,Pipelines , Dynamic Block, Count, Provisioners & template files

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This course will give you more insights on the E2E Terraform Project Framework & Realtime Best Practices

4 Main Things YOU need to know about this Terraform Course

#1: Learn E2E Terraform Importance & setup along with pipeline benefits & implementation

#2: Deep understanding on the variables , List(objects), Map(Objects) and Dynamic Blocks

#3: Deep Understanding & Hands-on for the Provisioners , Count , template file and Custom Data

#4: Deep Understanding on the Pipeline integrating with Pipeline libraries , Storage accounts

Buckle up and Get ready for this wonderful ride on Infra Automation (Terraform) with Realtime Framework

Look No Further!

Are you looking to advance your career in the IT field further? The Terraform course provides an excellent starting point for anyone who wants working knowledge in this rapidly-growing area. Not only will it teach you about the core culture and practices, but it will also give insight into some of its most prominent infra automation techniques.

You'll learn powerful concepts terraform config , module dependency, pipeline advantages & implementation , Dynamic block with list of Objects, Map of Objects , count & provisioners such as local-exec, Remote-exec , File Provisioners , template_file and Custom Data

Start your journey today toward becoming a Infra Automation Engineer, you can understand all the below in a detailed way in this series

Terraform Course Introduction & Basics

Terraform Importance in Realtime

Terraform Setup with Azure Cloud

VM Provisioning & Attaching a Disk for an existing VM

Module Importance in Realtime with Azure Flexi DB Server

Framework & Pipeline Discussion

Module Framework Discussion

Module Dependency Framework Implementation & Variables Deepdive

Terraform Pipeline Implementation

Terraform Pipeline Advantages & Planning

Dynamic Block & Saperate Repo Usecases

Dynamic Block - List(Objects)

Dynamic Block - Map(Objects)

Azure-Modules in a Saperate Repo

Reactjs Deployment - Count, Custom Data, Provisioners

Deep hands-on for Count Parameter

Invoking Bash Script via terraform Using template_file & Custom Data

Provisioners - local-exec , File, remote-exec with examples

ReactJs Docker Project deployment to multiple VMs Using Remote-Exec

Additional Concepts - null resource, for_each

Importance of Null Resource and with hands-on examples

Importance of for_each and with hands-on example

What You Will Learn!

  • E2E Framework Deep Discussion with hands-on Provisioning & Configuration Examples
  • Standalone Azure modules repo Importance in Realtime Usecase and Implementation
  • Deep Understanding on the Pipeline integrating with Pipeline libraries , Storage accounts
  • Deep understanding on the Module dependencies , tfvars , vars & inputs variables , List(objects), Map(Objects) and Dynamic Blocks
  • Deep Understanding & Hands-on for the Provisioners , Count , template file and Custom Data
  • Best Realtime practices to follow as Part of Infra Provisioning & Configuration
  • Learn E2E Terraform Importance & setup along with pipeline benefits & implementation

Who Should Attend!

  • Developers
  • System Administrators
  • Cloud Administrators
  • Testers
  • NonIT