The Accountability Bootcamp for Managers

Confidently delegate, establish accountability, and lead your team to perform in office, hybrid, and remote settings

Ratings: 4.47 / 5.00


If you are a manager who wants to excel in your role, you need to be able to lead your team to achieve strong results. That might sound straightforward, but the truth is that being a manager can sometimes be pretty challenging. After all, people can be so complex! How do you create an environment in which different personalities can work together? What do you do when they aren’t doing what you want them to? And, how do you actually help them to collaborate and be productive, when they might not even be in the office? To be a high-performing leader, you need to master the principles of accountability. And, in this course, you’ll learn how to do that with confidence.

I created this highly practical Udemy course, based on my experience as a corporate psychologist and executive coach who has worked with thousands of leaders to accomplish their goals. I’ve seen what works with teams - and what doesn’t.

When it comes to accountability, some managers jump in with overly harsh criticism that demotivates their team members. Others shy away from giving constructive feedback, hoping that the performance will magically improve on its own. Others decide that no one can do it as well as they can and micro-manage or hold onto tasks that should be delegated to their team. Striking the right balance between empowering your staff to work independently while still maintaining control can sometimes be difficult. Add to that the challenge of managing your team when they’re working in a hybrid or virtual environment and it can feel pretty overwhelming.

Here’s the thing though - it’s totally doable! That’s why I developed this course. It’s filled with research-based tips and real-world strategies that will help you to build a culture of accountability on your team. You’ll be able to get results, without being a jerk. (Because truly, who wants to work for a jerk)?

In this course, you will:

  • Develop the skills to create an inclusive and trusting culture that leads to high performance

  • Master a step-by-step process to delegation to ensure that expectations are crystal-clear

  • Diagnose the root causes of under-performance, and learn how to have coaching conversations that lead to accountability

  • Develop strategies to deal with the emotions that can sometimes accompany difficult conversations

  • Discover critical skills for promoting accountability in office, virtual, and hybrid environments

  • Explore proven techniques for boosting your team’s productivity, regardless of where they’re working

In addition to the instructional videos, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to put the lessons into practice. Through review quizzes, self-reflection exercises, challenges, and case-studies, you’ll fine-tune your management skills so that you can instantly apply them in the workplace.

During my career, I’ve come into contact with a LOT of leaders. I’ve coached leaders who have excelled in their roles and been rewarded with their dream promotions. I’ve also come across leaders who have struggled – and some who have even been fired, because they just couldn’t get their teams to perform. One of the biggest differentiators of the managers who have been rock stars versus those who have failed has been their ability to drive for results and accountability, while also having their team feel good about the work they’re doing and the environment they’re doing it in. They’re also the ones who have been able to demonstrate agility in adjusting to our new work landscape by finding ways to foster collaboration, communication, and performance in remote or hybrid settings.

Want that to be you? You’re in the right place! In this course, you’ll learn how to do all of those things, and more.

Here are what some of the students who have taken this course have had to say:

"Great course. Well structured and delivered. I can already see how this will help me at work!"

"Really comprehensive course that covers actionable steps to holding people accountable. Instructor has a pleasant voice and is really engaging."

"I'm part way through the course, and it's great so far. I like how the instructor is explaining the concepts and sharing research to back it up. I'm looking forward to continuing and learning more."

"I'm not so great at having performance conversations, and that's why I decided to take this course. I'm so glad I did! The instructor is really knowledgable and engaging, and I've learned practical tips that make accountability seem a lot less intimidating, and more doable. I especially liked the part about diagnosing root causes, because it helped me to really think through what I'm trying to accomplish for accountability. I highly recommend this course."

Whether you’re a manager who feels as though you’re in a bit over your head, or you just want to hone your skills to perform at your peak, this course will help you.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

What You Will Learn!

  • Create an inclusive and trusting culture that leads to high performance
  • Delegate effectively and set clear expectations
  • Diagnose the root causes of under-performance and have coaching conversations that lead to accountability
  • Manage the emotions that can sometimes accompany difficult conversations
  • Promote accountability, productivity, and high performance in all work environments: office, virtual, and hybrid

Who Should Attend!

  • Managers of teams