The Complete Fractions Course

Conquer Fractions with Ease!

Ratings: 4.85 / 5.00


Bonus Lessons

* Video More multiplying & dividing fractions (March 2023)

* Video Steps for Working Out a Math Problem.

* Video "Don't Hate Math!"

Do you have difficulties with fractions?  Does your child panic when faced with fractions? 

Fractions (and math in general) does create grief for many people.

Here is the solution! 

The Complete Fractions Course teaches students how to handle fractions in a variety of settings and operations.  The goal is to help students overcome any fear they may have when faced with a fraction in mathematics.  

The lessons are designed to walk students step-by-step through each exercise and operation.  They provide ample opportunity to practice within the lectures in addition to the numerous quizzes.  

There are "scribble" lectures that show how to work-out problems with pencil and paper - revealing even more precisely the steps required.

Fractions are studied as independent units; however, they occur in geometry, algebra, ratios & proportion - and many other math arenas. Knowing what to do when faced with a fraction is essential at school. 

Of course, fractions are used on the job and at home as well, so this course is useful for anyone who wishes to know more about what fractions are and how to work with them.

Let's get started!

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand what a fraction is and how to recognize one
  • Understand technical terms related to fractions
  • Reduce fractions to lowest terms
  • Raise fractions to higher terms
  • Find common denominators and accurately change numerators
  • Change improper fractions to whole or mixed numbers
  • Change mixed or whole numbers into improper fractions
  • Add fractions with the same or like denominators and with unlike denominators
  • Subtract fractions with same or like denominators and with different denominators
  • Multiply fractions
  • Multiply with cancellation
  • Multiply fractions and whole or mixed numbers
  • Divide fractions
  • Divide fractions and whole or mixed numbers

Who Should Attend!

  • Any student who wishes to learn more about fractions and how to work with them effectively.
  • Adults who may be new to fractions or need a refresher to use them at home, in the workplace, or for new studies.
  • Grade school and high school students who will need to understand fractions for all future math units.