The Stress- Free Stress Management Plan

A Step-by-Step Plan For Breaking Free From Stress

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What is stress?

Well basically, it's the fight-or-flight mechanism that's hard-wired into our brains.  Back in the days when our ancestors lived in caves, this was a very important mechanism to have.  When faced with a dangerous wild animal, they'd have to decide whether to fight it (and possibly kill and eat it) or run away (before it killed and ate them).

Unless you're someone who spends a lot of time in the woods, you're unlikely to have to make that kind of decision today, but there are other situations in modern life that can trigger this response, and when you try to suppress it, it leads to stress.

For example, you might have to deal with demanding situations, aggressive people, or dangerous places.  Self-discipline has taught you to suppress your fight or flight mechanism, but your body still reacts the same way as your ancestors' did.

The thing is: You may not be aware of these situations as you encounter them so often!

In this course, you will learn how to identify what's making you stressed, because once you've discovered what's causing the problem, you're halfway to finding the solution.

You will also learn quick and easy techniques to get your stress levels under control, and how to identify and deal with the underlying causes of your stress.

What You Will Learn!

  • What is Stress
  • The difference between good stress and bad stress
  • Workplace stress as an employee
  • Workplace stress as a business owner
  • 10 steps to making your workplace stress free
  • Why too much stress is bad for you
  • How your stress can harm your kids
  • Setting boundaries to reduce stress
  • 5 ways to reduce stress in your life

Who Should Attend!

  • Small business owners suffering from overwhelm, burnt out and exhaustion