The Ultimate JavaScript DOM Crash Course

Learn how to manipulate and create HTML elements with the JavaScript DOM to build user interfaces for your websites.

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Welcome to the Ultimate JavaScript DOM Crash Course!

Let's cut to the chase - here's what you'll be learning in this course:

  • selecting HTML elements

  • inspecting objects within the DOM and gaining a deeper understanding of what features and functions are available

  • getting data from HTML elements

  • updating HTML elements, including text content and adding more HTML

  • creating HTML elements - this one is important as it's key to building interactive user interfaces

  • deleting HTML elements

  • adding events to your webpage to increase interactivity

  • and much more!

Once we've taken a look at the fundamentals, we'll have a go at a practical example - building a sticky notes user interface with the JavaScript DOM. Don't worry about the HTML and CSS, I'll be providing that for you.

Learning how to interact with the JavaScript DOM, and having good knowledge of the methods and properties available to you is critical to becoming an exceptional front-end web developer, and I hope this crash course can give you an inspiring introduction to the diverse world of the JavaScript DOM.

Another thing to note - if you intend to begin building websites using front-end frameworks such as React or Vue, I highly recommend you watch this crash course first before doing so. Front-end frameworks are fantastic tools but it's a good idea to have a solid understanding of the JavaScript DOM without those frameworks doing all the heavy lifting for you.

I hope to see you in the lectures!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the fundamentals of the JavaScript DOM
  • Build smart, interactive user interfaces for web applications and/or websites
  • Be able to answer a variety of JavaScript DOM related interview questions for job applications
  • Have a higher understanding of how interactive websites are built

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner JavaScript developers who want to gain skills in DOM manipulation
  • Beginner web developers who want to start building interactive websites with JavaScript
  • JavaScript developers who want to gain a deeper understanding of the DOM tree and nodes/elements