中医节气养生法 – 立秋凉燥气候

中医养生方法 - 干燥凉爽气候

Ratings: 4.22 / 5.00


My friend,

I am Dr Clement Ng, founder of TCM and You from Singapore


我是来自新加坡的黄欣杰 博士,中医与您的创始人

In this sharing, I presented the contents of an article I sent to my followers, outline the prevention tips on occurrence of Upper Respiratory systems, chronic fatigues, and Stress and Anxiety and advice on what to do after Covid-19 infection from TCM perspective during the Autumn of 2021 for those in the North Hemisphere (Between Sept to Nov)


Prevention is the key to health betterment and I periodically provides updates on the latest development on the health front and what we need to do to mitigate any health issues that may arises from the changes to the weather.



In this course, you will learn the following,

1. Introduction

2. Trainer profile

3. Living with Covid

4. Health Betterment Overview for Covid

5. MM - Prevention and Interception

6. TCM - Prevention and Interception

7. TCM - Regulating Rest and Moderate Exercise

8. TCM - Maintain Emotion Balance

9. TCM - Strengthening Qi and Blood

10. Health Betterment - According to Seasons

11. Characteristic of Autumn Seasons – I

12. Characteristic of Autumn Seasons – II

13. Health Betterment - According to Constitutions

14. TCM Treatment Principles

15. TCM Health Betterment Principles – Autumn

16. Common Illnesses – Overview

17. Common Illnesses – Upper Respiratory systems,

18. Common Illnesses – cough

19. Common Illnesses – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

20. Common Illnesses - Emotional Stress

21. Knowledge vs Health vs Wealth

22. Acupoint – Overview

23. Acupoint - Guan Yuan

24. Acupoint - Yu Ji

25. Acupoint - Yin Xiang

26. Acupoint - Chi Ze

27. Medicated Diet – Overview

28. Medicated Diet - Honey Stewed Pear

29. Medicated Diet - Lily Almond Red Bean Porridge

30. Medicated Diet - Astragalus Qi Invigorating Tea

31. Medicated Diet - Chicken with Lung Yin Nourishing Soup

32. Conclusion - Health is Personal Responsibility

1. 课程介绍

2. 黄欣杰博士简介

3. 与Covid共存

4. Covid的健康改善概述

5. 现代医学 -预防和拦截

6. 中医 -预防和拦截

7. 中医—— 调节休息和适度运动

8. 中医—— 保持情绪平衡

9. 中医—— 扶正气血

10. 健康改善-根据季节

11. 秋季的特点- 1

12. 秋季的特色- 2

13. 改善健康- 体质养生

14. 中医治疗原则

15. 中医养生原则-秋季 - 干燥凉爽气候

16. 干燥凉爽气候-常见疾病-概述

17. 干燥凉爽气候- 常见疾病-上呼吸道系统

18. 干燥凉爽气候- 常见疾病-咳嗽

19. 干燥凉爽气候- 常见疾病-慢性疲劳综合症

20. 干燥凉爽气候- 常见疾病-情绪紧张

21. 知识vs健康vs财富

22. 干燥凉爽气候- 穴位-概述

23. 干燥凉爽气候- 腧穴-关元

24. 干燥凉爽气候- 穴位-鱼际

25. 干燥凉爽气候- 穴位-迎香

26. 干燥凉爽气候- 穴位-尺泽

27. 干燥凉爽气候- 药物饮食-概述

28. 干燥凉爽气候- 药物饮食-蜂蜜炖梨

29. 干燥凉爽气候- 药物饮食-百合杏仁红豆粥

30. 干燥凉爽气候- 药膳-黄芪补气茶

31. 干燥凉爽气候- 药膳-沙参麦冬补鸡汤

32. 结论-健康是个人的责任

Dr. Clement Ng 黄欣杰 博士

September 2021 2021年9月

What You Will Learn!

  • 学会与新冠病毒共存
  • 了解秋季干燥季节的中医治疗原则
  • 了解秋季常见的上呼吸道疾病、咳嗽、疲劳、情绪波动等疾病
  • 学习穴位按摩技术和药膳对这些疾病的管理
  • 根据个人体质保健养生

Who Should Attend!

  • 掌控自己健康的人
  • 任何渴望学习辅助医疗知识和技能以帮助自己改善健康的人
  • 预防疾病的前瞻性思维