Crack python interview with top 50 interview questions

In this course you will get in depth knowledge about python interview questions in python

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Top 50 most frequently asked python interview questions to crack any kind of interview in python.

  • What is python

  • What is difference between python2 and python3

  • What is the difference between list and tuple

  • What are the mutable and immutable data types

  • What is lambda function

  • What is iterator and give one example

  • What is generator and give one example

  • what is context manager give one example

  • What is decorator

  • What is list comprehension

  • What is dictionary comprehension

  • How exception is handled in python

  • How except and else works

  • Convert list to string

  • How memory is managed in python

  • What is PYTHONPATH

  • What is function

  • What is __init__

  • Explain inheritance

  • Local and global variables

  • Difference between arrays and lists

  • What does [::-1]

  • What is python packages

  • What is python modules

  • Break, continue, pass

  • Map

  • Filter

  • Reduce

  • Is multiple inheritance support python

  • Pickling and unpickiling

  • *args and **kwargs

  • Is, not, in

  • Ternary operator

  • Encapsulation

  • Abstraction and example

  • What is self

  • Docstring

  • Multi processing vs multi threading

  • Monkey patching

  • What is shallow copy and deep copy

  • Sort a dictionary based on key

  • What are thunder methods in python

  • Python objects call by value or call by reference

  • Sort list of dictionaries by key

  • Sort list of tuples by index

What You Will Learn!

  • This course more flexible to crack python interview
  • detailed interview questions with examples
  • You will carry in depth knowledge after completion this course
  • top 50 most commonly asked interview questions for freshers and experienced

Who Should Attend!

  • this course is very useful when you are preparing for python interview