
This class is designed for the  technicians / engineers / managers of Quality Assurance Function, come out the four main directions purpose as below :   1.Review and recommendations for the ability of 100% inspection filter ability。   2.Recognize the nature of sampling inspection and take corresponding actions。   3.Familiar with the function of receiving acceptance inspection and improve the ability of bad parts not to enter our process。   4.Emphasize that material assurance starts from the source and enhance the analysis and improvement capabilities of defective parts 。     Therefore, it is very suitable for the  employee ,If you have any doubts about the above purposes ,Or long-term implementation of this similar work ,it has failed to effectively improve efficiency ,then it is the issues of concepts / directions / methods, This class  will bring what you need the answer。

1.認知品質全檢的過濾的能力及檢討和建議。                                   2.認清抽樣檢驗本質,並採取相對應行動
3.熟悉進料驗收作業機能,提升不良零組件不入我製程的能力。      4.強調料件保證從源流開始提升不良零組件分析與改善能力

What You Will Learn!

  • 1.認知全檢有效性及過濾能力,用以提升檢測有效性 Recognize the effectiveness of 100% inspection and filtering capabilities to improve the effectiveness of the inspection。
  • 2.認知抽樣檢驗本質和理論基礎,用以改正失誤和誤用,能快速提升資源使用效益 Essence and theoretical basis of cognitive sampling inspection to correct mistakes, can quickly improve efficiency 。
  • 3.認知進料驗收檢驗作業的執行缺失,從防堵到疏導的轉型 Recognize the lack of implementation of incoming inspection acceptance, the transformation from blocking prevention to dredging。
  • 4.供應商品質工程概念,從源流提升零組件品質,提升工作產值 Supplier Quality Engineering concept, improve parts Quality from source, increase work output value。

Who Should Attend!

  • 品保工作執行者、技術者、管理者。 Quality Assurance executors, technicians, managers