
This class is an updated version of the effective study, All cases need to cooperate with Excel file explanation, and the relevant statistical part is solved by Excel application software,the learners be requested to use notebook,that is to facilitate practice,and provide this Excel file。

This class focuses on solving technical issues,through Design of Experiments method,to find out solutions, that is divided into upper and lower parts, this content is the upper with three chapters,that are 「Basic statistical concepts 」、「Pre-planning of the design of experiment」、「Analysis of Variance—ANOVA」。 Relevant statistics are processed through Excel application software, such as the attachment files。

The purpose is to make the current senior engineers of all kinds,who can「Make something out of nothing,to solve technical issues」,this content is the upper part,focusing on how to use variance analysis, and orthogonal table configuration method,,to improve various technical capabilities as the purpose。



目的使現職各類高階工程師,能「無中生有,解決技術問題」 ,本內容為上部,聚焦如何利用變異數分析,和直交表配置方法,提升各類技術能力為目的。

What You Will Learn!

  • 1.能了解數據分佈,和其統計變異量,基本概念,為分析基礎 Can understand the data distribution,and its statistical variation,basic concept,that is as the basis for analysis 。
  • 2.能規劃和如何安排最佳化實驗,及實驗結果數據的解讀 Can plan and how to arrange optimization experiments, and interpretation of experimental results 。
  • 3.能了解變異數分析邏輯和方法,能解讀 ANOVA table內容 Able to understand the logic and methods of variance analysis , can interpret ANOVA table content 。
  • 4.經例題練習,能利用 ANOVA 方法,得技術解決方案 Through practice exercises,ANOVA method can be used,to get technical solutions 。

Who Should Attend!

  • 製造業在職各類高級工程師和其主管All kinds of senior engineers and their supervisors in the manufacturing industry 。