
This class focus on solving technical problems,through Design of Experiments method,to find the solution,that is divided into Upper and Lower parts,contains 4 chapters,that are 「Analysis of mean」、「 Interpretation of analytical methods 」、「 Process parameter optimization case 」、「 DOE class Summary 」, relevant statistics, which is solved by Excel application software, such as attachment files。

The purpose is to make the current senior engineers of all kinds,who can「Make something out of nothing,to solve technical issues」,this content is the lower part,focusing on how to use analysis of mean, and interpretation of other methods,that is for improving various technical capabilities as the purpose。

本課程以解決技術問題為核心,經實驗計畫方法,找到解決方案,分上下2部,本內容為下部,含四章,即「平均值分析」、「分析方法解讀」、「製程參數優化案例」、「DOE 課程總結」,有關統計,經由Excel應用軟體解決,如各附件檔案。

目的使現職各類高階工程師,能「無中生有,解決技術問題」 ,本內容為下部,聚焦如何利用平均值分析,和其他方法解讀,用以提升各類技術能力為目的。

What You Will Learn!

  • 1.能利用平均值分析方法,得到技術解決方案 Ability to use analysis of mean methods to obtain technical solutions 。
  • 2.能運用田口方法,和非統計量概念,得到適當的解決方案 Can use Taguchi methods, and non-statistical concepts to get with the appropriate solutions 。
  • 3.能從案例內容,學習如何優化生產製程的參數 That can from the content of the case, Learn how to optimize the parameters of the production process 。
  • 4.能從ANOVA和ANOM方法,廣泛運用於多元領域解決方案 That can from ANOVA and ANOM methods, widely used in multi-field solutions 。

Who Should Attend!

  • 製造業在職各類高級工程師和其主管All kinds of senior engineers and their supervisors in the manufacturing industry 。