
The content of this class has been adjusted, Suitable for service industry and manufacturing industry,the former service industry,Its SQE position is suitable for the upper part of this class,and the latter manufacturing SQE is suitable for the content of the upper and lower classes。

Due to cost pressure,the production units of many production enterprises have either moved out,or outsourced production, Or even outsource ODM (design + production),which is similar to the way foreign businessmen placed orders in Taiwan in the 1980s, Therefore, there is also a demand for supplier quality engineers,but there is no such professional training in Taiwan, Only rely on the senior to lead the junior,or secretly try to figure out their own experience, TopChina Company accepts the requirements of large-scale Taiwanese businessmen, and has developed a complete training class, and has completed the training of many cross-strait engineers, and has continued to open public classes in Taiwan for more than 20 years, through numerous adjustments and revisions,this course is very mature,that is very suitable for supplier quality engineers,textbook used。 And because the global supply chain in recent years (after 2020),which is gradually breaking up,the supply front is divided and elongated,that is more urgently needed for SQE assistance, this ccass has become a compulsory content of SQE。 This class is now converted into a digital course to expand the use of those who need it。 This course consists of 7 chapters, divided into 2 parts, the content of which is shown in this class outline。

This class is suitable for in-service Quality engineers、Quality managers、purchasing engineers、purchasing managers、project managers、Project engineers etc., with a wide range of content and a lot of experience and knowledge, It is almost impossible to see outside, this professional class, please grasp。

本課內容已做調整 , 適合服務業及製造業 , 前者服務業,其SQE職務適合本課上部,後者製造業SQE,適合上下兩部課程內容。

由於成本壓力,許多生產事業的生產單位不是外移, 就是外包生產,甚或委外 ODM (設計+生產),這已經和1980年代外商到台灣下單方式相近,因此也產生供應商品質工程師的需求,但國內卻沒有此專業訓練,只靠資深者帶資淺者,或各自暗中模索各自體會,華魁公司接受大型台商要求,已開發完整的訓練課程,並已完成訓練許多兩岸工程師,並持續在台開公開性課程,超過20年,經無數次調整、改版,因此本課為很成熟,極適合供應商品質工程師,使用的教材。 又因近年(2020後)全球供應鏈,正逐漸打散,供應戰線分工且拉長,更迫切需要SQE的協助,本課程已變成SQE必修的內容。 現將此課程轉化為數位課程,擴大需求者使用。 本課計7個章節,分上下2部,其內容如課程大綱所示。 本課適合在職品質工程師、品質經理、採購工程師、採購經理、專案經理、專案工程師等,內容廣泛且含許多經驗知識,一般外面幾乎看不到,此專業性課程,敬請把握!

What You Will Learn!

  • 1.能於不同業態發展,掌握委外業務管理,和執行者角色等 Able to develop in different business formats,master outsourcing business management, and the role of executors, etc.。
  • 2.從管理角度思維,能正確掌握執行方向和綱領 Thinking from a management perspective, able to correctly grasp the direction and guideline of execution 。
  • 3.能提升SQE執行能力,含技能、知識、經驗 Can improve SQE execution ability, including skills、 knowledge and experience。
  • 4.能依多元執行事務問題,適當因應和妥善處理 Able to execute business problems in accordance with a variety of issues, properly respond to and handle them properly。

Who Should Attend!

  • 供應商品質工程師 / 品保及採購單位相關責任者和主管。