
This class is SQE-lower , suitable for manufacturing,on-the-job Quality Engineer、Quality Manager、 Purchasing Engineer、purchasing Manager、Project Manager、Project Engineer etc., The content emphasizes SQE competency requirements,and necessary skills, Various implementation aspects may face situations and suggestions,and that is also for dealing with special situations, Partial of the work experience,and the corresponding sharing。

Due to the wide and deep coverage of the class, and the emphasis on response suggestions for various situations, there are almost none-suitable instructor to teach, This kind of class training is rarely seen in the industry, Usually,only the seniors lead the juniors,or they secretly seek their own experience, TopChina Company accepts the requirements of large Taiwanese company,that has developed the complete training class, and which has completed the training of many cross-strait engineers, and continue to open public classes in Taiwan, more than 20 years, after numerous adjustments and revisions, so this class is very mature, that is very suitable for supplier Quality engineers, to use this materials, and that also has become a compulsory content for SQE。 This class is now converted into a digital class to expand the use of those who need it。 Due to the extensive content and a lot of experience and knowledge, this professional class, please grasp it!

本課程為 SQE-下部,適合製造業,在職品質工程師、品質經理、採購工程師、採購經理、專案經理、專案工程師等,內容強調 SQE能力要求,和必要的技能,各種執行面可能面臨狀況及因應建議,特殊狀況之處理,偏工作經驗之心得,和 因應的分享 。

因課程涵蓋面廣又深,並強調各種狀況的因應建議,所以幾乎沒有適當講師可講授,業界少有此課程訓練,通常只靠資深者帶資淺者,或各自暗中模索各自體會,華魁公司接受大型台商要求,已開發完整的訓練課程,並已完成訓練許多兩岸工程師,並持續在台開公開性課程,超過20年,經無數次調整、改版,因此本課為很成熟,極適合供應商品質工程師,使用的教材,並已變成SQE必修的內容。 現將此課程轉化為數位課程,擴大需求者使用。 因內容廣泛且含許多經驗知識,此專業性課程,敬請把握!

What You Will Learn!

  • 1.能提升 SQE 對零件品質及可靠度,其專業知識和執行能力 Can improve SQE's professional knowledge and execution ability of parts Quality and Reliability 。
  • 2.能順利因應和提升,零組件例行作業及管控,執行技能 Able to respond and improve smoothly,the routine operation and control of components,regarding the execution skills 。
  • 3.能提升SQE,對品質重大事件及商務互動,其解決能力 Can improve SQE, its ability to solve critical Quality events and business interaction issues 。
  • 4.能提升觀察和分析能力,並能順利處理商務事件 Can improve the ability of observation and analysis ,also can handle business events smoothly 。

Who Should Attend!

  • 適合製造業,在職品質工程師、品質經理、採購工程師、採購經理、專案經理、專案工程師等
  • suitable for manufacturing,on-the-job Quality Engineer、Quality Manager、 Purchasing Engineer、purchasing Manager、Project Manager、Project Engineer etc.