Tuka 3D Design Visualizer for Fashion Designers | Hindi

Use the power of virtual reality to visualize and showcase your imagination like famous Fashion Designers - Hindi

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Tuka 3D Design Visualizer for Fashion Designers | Hindi


Fashion Design is Limitless & Fashion Designers are Magician, Though they always need their Magic Wand - Tuka 3D Designer Edition.

Fashion Design is Trillion dollar industry, It has evolved with human civilization, Fashion that started from leaves and now uses the most expensive and rare metals also, Yet Fashion Design starts from imagination, and to showcase that imagination at various platforms / levels, One need mediums Like Pencil for Sketching, Colours for Illustration, Graphic Design Softwares for Digital Illustrations and with advancement in technology, now we can even visualize design even before we cut the fabric, Stitch it to make a Garment, a Masterpiece of course, but now with the help of 3 Dimensional Design Softwares One can visualize and present designs virtually and that too in various sizes, colors, silhouettes and with Models also, Such a wonderful development it is, Hence named as Fashion Designers' Magic Wand.

Why Tuka 3D Designer Edition ?

It gives you full control over your Three Dimensional Costume Design Visualization , User Friendly interface, already established value in Garment Industry, Stunning and reliable Visualization tools make it more robust , clean intuitive and crisp designs are synonymous to Tuka 3D Designer Edition, Come and Embark on the Journey to Explore  and Visualize your Creative Genius while paving a way for Lucrative earnings with Tuka 3D Designer Edition.

Ideate, Create and Visualize in Tuka 3D Designer Edition

Every Good thing needs practice, Amazing thing I am there to help you Practice along the way and learn by doing and if you need my personal feedback share your designs on Instagram with #learnwithrikhilnagpal and I will be connected to you even after the course, Lets jump on the way to visualize awesomeness.

By the end of this course, you will learn to visualize your own Designs, Prints on Tee- Shirts, Tops, Bottoms and Much More..

I'll be using Tuka 3D Designer Edition from tukaweb, but if you have a Pre Installed offline version you can still embark on the creative journey to Visualize your imagination even before you start working on its creation.

What makes me qualified to teach you?

I am Rikhil Nagpal and I started learning Fashion Design in 2005, since then, I have worked with various Fashion Brands and Institutions in Various capacities, That is why i will be able to understand your concerns and doubts because I have faced them, Creating Designs and than reworking on them after completion of Prototype / Samples, Wrong print, Motif Size, Color, Placement - a big pain and Experimentations and Explorations to Create Final Designs a tedious and costly task, but now it can be done with the help of Magic Wand i.e Tuka 3D Designer Edition. Come Let's learn together !!!

Besides this is going to save a whole lot of time and money yours', or your buyers' or your Clients', I have personally experienced it while working for many international Brands.

We're in this together!

I'm a passionate Consultant, Educator and Design Evangelist. I'll be there with you on every little step of the way. If you have any queries about this course or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.

What is this Tuka 3D Visualizer for Fashion Designers | Hindi Course is all about?

In this course you will learn how to visualize your design on virtual garments, while enjoying full control on their optimization in terms of Size, Color, Placement, Front view, Back View, Side View and Final look to proceed with Decision on its production.

This course will cover everything you need to know to to start working on your Visualization

  • Installation & WorkSpace

  • Visualization Control Tools

  • Adding a Garment

  • Visualization of Colour, Print & Placement

  • Editing Designs with Graphic Design Softwares

  • Adding Models and their Attributes

  • Lights, Multiple Garments and Output

By the end of this course, your confidence to work on your own will be amplified and you will automatically be on a journey to achieve perfection by continuous learning while enjoying it.

What You Will Learn!

  • 3 Dimensional Visualization of Garments
  • Print Visualization on Garments
  • Print Resizing Visualization and Decision Making
  • Colour Visualization on Garments / Apparel
  • Creating own Designs and Visualizing it on Garments in real time
  • Visualize Design on a Virtual Model
  • Visualize Multiple Garments / Collection altogether
  • Fabric Texture/ Structure Visualization on Garments

Who Should Attend!

  • Fashion Designers
  • Fashion Design Students
  • Fashion Retailers and Buyers
  • Apparel Merchandisers / Fashion Merchandisers
  • Garment / Apparel Manufacturers / Exporters
  • Pattern Maker / Developers
  • Aspiring Fashion Students